Tuesday, June 8, 2010
I felt like crying when i finished reading _______'s blog.
For privacy purposes, i shant mention who it is. ;)
But what she wrote made me feel sad. D:
All the flashbacks came again.
I guess those times will always be engraved on my heart. Never be able to remove.
Remembering these things are like, making me depressed ?
Regret not cherishing it. But not regretting the 2years of torture i suffered from the tremendous workload because i had them beside me, urging me onwards.
Part of the reason why i got such a good grade is because of THEM. Love them lots. :D
I hope i stop being all saddened because of these thoughts and memories because they are supposed to keep me happy.
Well, i guess it's ok to let a few tears escape.. Right ? :)
Come to think of it, im always smiling to myself at the thought of these things. & i certainly look retarded smiling to myself.. But WHATEVER ! :D
But some things just doesnt stay the same..
Everyone's going their separate ways. I guess it's inevitable ?
Still, it's upsetting.
Biggest wish for this group ?
Perhaps an overseas trip together with everyone ? :D
Yah, i know it's IMPOSSIBLE at the mention of it. I can dream right ? ;)
I'll be meeting them this Saturday. Im going to cherish it ! ^^
PACC paper sucked. LOLs !
Actually, MCQs are easy. But it's damn tricky.
Either way, i dont see much of a hope for it. So i'll stop thinking about it and making myself so freaking depressed.
There's MOB
Thank goodness i managed to memorise everything 1week before. -.-
Let's just hope that i know what im spotting during the exam.
& stupid people, put the timing at 4.30. WTH.
I want to sleep one leh. You dont want sleep, i still want my afternoon nap de lor. Wth. =.=
Luckily im having econs next day, which is all concepts.
1 day passed like that.
Fast ? :O
6months flew.
Faster ? :OO
Currently listening to KPOP songs when im supposed to be doing some big time mugging/revision.
I feel like im enjoying life while others i burying their heads in books.
Am i slacky/over-confident/bound to fail ? LOLs !
Aiyah, whatever.
I'd rather mug less and be sane than mug so much and end up in IMH. -.-
Brain kind of dead right now. So i'll stop blogging.
Blog later today when im done with econs revision/tomorrow.
im sorry i cant laugh for you -
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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