Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Miracles really do happen. :D
Or perhaps it was because i was simply pinning my hopes on my parents,
that's why a miracle could have easily occurred. :x
But anyways,
I was contemplating.
Advantages and disadvantages of going. :/
Of course,
i was broke, and still is.
So if i didnt go, it meant saving money ~
But if i didnt go, i would lose out on all those nice food out there.
But then again,
im going.
So no point thinking further. :x
Im only going to be rich in 2months time.
So in order to survive till then,
i must be more thrifty from tomorrow onwards.
Went out with Steffi today.
Ate LJS breakfast together. :D
Practically crapped the entire day.
Ok, maybe it wasnt crap.
We walked around Hub in circles and circles,
going up and down escalators numerous times because we were deeply engrossed in our conversation to even realise where we were heading.
But somehow,
we did talk about things we rarely touched on. :)
So, bonding time again. ;D
LOVE IT <3 ^^
Watched Planet51.
Hilarious. :)
But i wouldnt say it was really nice because as compared to Princess & the Frog,
it's a little dull. :x
However, i still had a nice laugh. ;D
& it's more of touching than comical, to me.
The movie ended way earlier than i expected.
So by the time we came out of the cinema,
it was only 2.45pm. =.=
Steffi was asking me where we should go next,
and i asked her back.
So it continued for a while before we went to the MRT and looked at the directory.
We came up with a few destinations.
1. Bugis.
2. Orchard [ Fish Spa. :/ ]
Originally we were on the MRT headed to Bugis,
then i suggested going to Vivo for Ben&Jerry's.
we practically changed our entire plan there and then.
Played with water, as usual. :/
& realised that we were talking about hair the entire day.
Ok, not entire, but most parts of the conversation.
Then went to eat ice cream ! :D
& went to look at doggies ! :DD
Mum told me she reared a total of 29 cats last time in those Kampungs. DD:
& now,
she doesnt even let me have a pet ! ARGHHH !
Super unfair lor. D:
Cant she see that all those cute little puppies and kittens are calling for me ?~
Headed home after that.
Ate dinner with parents because i coincidentally bumped into mum outside the MRT station.
Chionged Maple. :D
YAYS, im so damn happy lor.
I mean, not because i leveled, but because
So they had a rollback in channel17, which is my channel. :/
6th sense kept bugging me telling me that pray not to have rollback.
Ended up,
i didnt get involved. :DD
Perhaps it was because i had already leveled and stopped training.
But either way,
im glad i didnt have to retrain that 20%.
I bet it's going to take my life to train that again.
Means i get to eat my favourite Tangyuans again ! WAKAKAA ! x.x
Always liked eating them.
They are like so..
Totally lovely ! :D
Love the texture of it too ! ~.~
Cant wait. :P
Poor jie.
She's waiting for Ken & Intel went to sleep already.
& im even sadded because she wouldnt have come and talked to me if it wasnt like that.
She still malign me and ...
Is that even considered ugly ?
I mean, if he was considered ugly..
Then i do not have any other words in my dictionary that can be applied to others that i have seen that are way worst lor.
Sheesh siol.
Time heals all wounds.
I would have believed that if i was in primary school,
because most people would say it like that.
Perhaps they were trying to be noble, or something. :/
But now,
i dont think so.
I mean,
time can only turn it into memories.
It does not erase it off.
Healing causes a scar to be left there.
The only way is to have something that covers the scar.
That's why,
i agree with the Inspirational quote :
Love heals all wounds, not time.
Only love can attempt to seal off the pains.
Time may still leave the wound exposed.
Why the sudden philosophy ?
Thanks to jie. ;D
But some may think otherwise,
so i wont say im entirely right. :]
To top it off,
i never had such a 'wound' before.
So i doubt i can actually put the exact feelings into words until i really experienced it in the later part of my life.
Tomorrow going ChompChomp lo ~ :D
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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