Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Yesterday went out with Rachel to go watch New Moon ! :D
Actually to my surprise,
i kind of liked it.
I mean, it's more interesting than Twilight in a way that i cant say. :/
But personally, i do like New Moon more, ONLY IN MOVIE-WISE. :x
Originally thought it was going to be super boring because most of the scenes would be without Edward's appearance.
However, Jacob's presence in the movie sort of speeds up the time passing.. x.x
So when Edward sort of, came back, it felt rather short that he was gone.
Anyway, if one didnt read the book, maybe the movie might have explained everything.
But obviously, the book is still better. :)
At least you can use your imagination to imagine all the things instead of looking at a movie and letting the images clash with it. :x
Thats what i feel, personally.
The ending was.. Weird.
LOLs ! @.@
It's most definitely the very movie-ish kind of ending and which tells people that there is going to be a follow-up. :/
ANY-O, it's still not bad lah. ;D
& im beginning to really look at the actor of Jacob in another way.
After watching the movie,
went to AMK library to return and borrow more books.
HAHA, borrowed 3 books again.
So damn happy. ^^v
But Rach was more hiong lor.
She borrowed 5 books and went to take 1 basket for the books.
Somemore before that, i saw an aunty holding it and i wanted to tell her and say how kiasu that was.
:x NO OFFENCE ! x.x
So we ended up touring the library with a basket filled with books.
This time i borrowed a chinese book, which is darn rare luh ! :D
I mean, most of the chinese books seems to have died out, or have already been read through by us, leaving us with not much choices.
But the book is super thick + super small words.
Gosh, think might read till i make the books overdue. :x
Home-d after that.
Emo mei said she went to reformat her comp yesterday and surprisingly,
it made her comp more UN-LAG.
See lah, when it might make her even laggier, her comp reformat liao then becomes better.
So imagine the lagginess of her comp before that.
But like me, her microsoft programmes are gone, her maple is gone.
Everything is gone. :x
However, at least she gained something from it.
Whereas, i not so much.
Which i meant by becoming lag when i enter FM sometimes, when i open windows and windows.
Anyways, now Maple is having a server check and hope they dont delay it since i want to chiong 70% before 2x. :x
Going out with Rach and Kurin this Friday, i think. O-O
Not confirmed yet, but if everything sails smoothly, we're going out together.
I kind of think that, ever since Kurin invited us to her house for the steamboat,
we developed a deeper friendship bond. :D
Though it's like, going towards the end of 2009, at least,
better late than never, right ? :/
& moreover, it's great to be even greater friends than those hi-bye friends.
& Friday is the commencement of BookFest ! :DD
If im not going anywhere on this Sat, Rach said we can go together.
OMG lah, finally, after waiting for so long, from 1month before Olevels to after Olevels.
Shall go with Rebby, LiXuan and SeeMin some other days.
Elena went to Msia, i heard.
So i assume she cant make it.
That's all.
Mei went to buy books and has to download Maple again, which who knows, might take 100years even though she reformatted her comp. :x
Shall go in and wait for her, or im going to begin burrowing myself into the world of books ! :D
Tatas ~
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