Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Duper happy.
Shall blog about the things today.
Messaged jie in the morning wishing her all the best in her final paper today. :)
& i almost forgot to do that though i reminded intel. :/
that stupid jie.
She said she almost dozed off in the library when she was supposed to be studying and mugging hard ! x.x
Well, the touching thing was she said she got motivated when she received my message.
Aww ~
Then decided to stop disiao-ing her.
Plus my phone bills are going to bomb again at this rate. -.=
Headed to meet LiXuan at AMK MRT station.
It's been quite some time since i last unleashed my 'Carrot speed', so by the time i reached the MRT station, i was perspiring again.
She collected the Popular Card from her mum.
Its the first time i saw her mum, and they're about the same height. O-O
No wonder LiXuan stopped growing. :x
But she told me her brother is about her height now.
Great improvement for ShengRong uh. :P
I mean, the last time i saw him was during schooldays, when idiot Rebby talked to him in a rather rude way though she SERIOUSLY didnt mean it. :/
But since LiXuan said her parents were rather short,
i think ShengRong can only be taller if their genes skipped him. :x
He should do more jumping-jacks anyway.
Went to City Hall station.
At first i totally forgot City Hall was near Suntec and i had to go online and search for directories before i leave house.
Talked with LiXuan on the way.
It's been quite some time since we were, alone. :x
Sounds wrong, but yeah.
The last time.. ?
In class, sitting next to her when i shifted forward since i couldnt see a damn thing at the back what with all those heads blocking.
Sorry lah, im short can. :/
While walking,
i realised that we have this certain.. Speed that we walk at.
I believe that it only occurs when we're together.
Guess they are the only gang i go out with, that walks in a fast manner.
But as they say,
Birds of the same feathers flock together. :)
Look at the fact that im not really acting like a girl,
most of the people i hang out with arent really that girly as well. :/
Of course, i have exceptions. :D
Guess this is what we call a sense of identity together. ._.
Reached Suntec and headed to the Convention Hall.
Seriously, LiXuan is really..
She doesnt even know where the escalator that heads up, is. -.-
& seriously again, her IQ is way much higher than her EQ.
I told her that maybe she gave too much of her EQ to her brother though both had really high IQs.
I guess her low EQ makes her not so scared of things like insects and other things.
The moment we stepped into the hall.
We were surrounded by books ! :DD
HAHA, simply heaven ~
Rushed to the Chinese books section since we clearly knew what we were looking for.
Walked in circles and looked around to no avail.
Finally after blindly walking for about 15mins,
found the section.
Looked here and there, but nothing we wanted.
Headed to English section.
Nothing too.
Went back to Chinese section.
Walked by those Chinese novels that we were REALLY looking for. :DD
Then i was practically screaming when LiXuan found it. :x
Looked here and there.
Stood there debating on which to buy.
Plus the notice there said all the books were $4.50 when some of them were so darn thick.
HAHA, and plus the cover is nice, ending is nice.
What is there to consider about ? :P
Of course, i would know my mum's going to flip when she knows i spent money on books again.
But, i have no idea why she so strongly opposes to investments in books when i read them over and over again,
just like how many dozen times i read Twilight and Eragon again and again.
9 bucks for 2 thick books.
So damn worth it can ! x.x
Then LiXuan was also taking her time deciding.
She was afraid of being conned, the way i was 1 year ago when i bought some Chinese books with endings that sucked and really made me upset after reading it.
But im not going to be cheated again ! >:(
Finally, she bought 2 books as well. :D
i brought $10. :x
Just enough.
Fine, i forgot to take money the day before. That's why im so broke now. -.-
The moment i stepped out of the hall, i decided to head back on Thursday with Rach and Steffi ! :DD
Went to basement to find something to fill
Didnt find anything suitable.
Headed to Marina Square, as suggested by LiXuan.
Reached, nothing to eat.
Ate McDonalds.
It's retarded because there was fastfood in Suntec as well.
But we ended up heading to Marina Square and eat Mac,
and had to walk back to Suntec and down CityLink Mall.
Went separate ways. :)
Ate the Crispy Chicken ! :D
*YUMYUM. x.x
Stupid jie.
When she entered Maple,
i asked her about her paper.
& she gladly told me she screwed it yet again. :/
Oh well.
If by the 3rd time, someone still doesnt pass,
it means that the subject really isnt suitable for her.
Or should i say, no fate. :x
Oh well, she seems happy that at least she could relax till February before her results are out.
That's kind of like my current situation. :P
No wonder we're sisters. xDD
Sometimes i wonder whether our similarities is just a coincidence or just a very common thing.
I dont know, but most of the people i know have similar feelings or experiences like me.
& then..
Sort of had a mini
It feels weird to call him by his ign. :/
We have this kind of disputes sometimes.
I dont know whether it's a boy's thing or what.
They get pissed easily.. ?
Or is it that they are still undergoing puberty ? :x
Weird lah.
1 minute can crap till so siao.
The other second, we're like, loggerheads ?
Slacked around in Maple.
Gosh. Stupid jie.
She really has influence that makes someone stop training.
Oh well. ~.~
Logged out since Maple was going to have a patch at 12am.
Currently chatting on MSN and FB-ing. :)
Someday, i should just hide all my photos in FB.
Damn lah.
Stop calling me cute or adorable ! x.x
Was helping jie find a suitable blogskin since she was complaining that i found a super nice one and she couldnt.
LOLs, ended up i found one in a matter of 5mins.
Whereas she looked at most of it and was still unsatisfied.
Really picky and fussy sia. :/
Ok, so now im a..
Lawyer cum designer.
What else shall i add in the future ? ._.
Let's just come to a conclusion :
Jie told me something stupid that her friend asked her.
Apparently her friend wanted to perm her hair.
So she asked jie how much she spent to perm her hair.
She said :
Last time you SPERM hair how much ?
I planning to go SPERM.
I literally LOL-ed lah !
Sperm hair.
-.- Eww.
Reminds me of NewUrbanMale's brand logo.
& i was asking LiXuan to guess their logo when we passed by 1 of their outlets at CityLink.
Anyways, jie's friend is so cute can.
Was talking and she somehow thought i died because i became super quiet.
Why do they think like that ? Am i so noisy ? -.-
Then she mentioned :
Alive and kicking
I continued with,
Kicking the bucket
It's kind of weird.
Like, alive and kicking = alive
whereas, kicking the bucket = dead.
Link the 2 phrase together :
Alive and kicking the bucket = alive & dead.
Weird huh. x.x
Man, im still stuck at that damned chinese book.
But i have 2 more nice books waiting ! :DD
Plus the cover have super duper shuai guys can ! x.x
White hair + serene smile = SUPER SHUAI ! x.x
Just like Allen, though of course, Allen shall always be the most shuai one. :P
Shall continue FB games and chat till i bth. :x
- Interesting day. (:
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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