Friday, December 18, 2009
Lets start this post with what happened yesterday. :D
Thursday, 17th Dec
Went out with Rach and Steffi for a movie + bookfest outing. ^-^
Met up with Rach on bus as usual, and set off to MRT to meet Steffi in it.
But somehow, there were miscommunication.
Before Steffi picked up her phone, the MRT was moving,
me and Rach in it.
Then when she picked it up,
she said she was at the platform.
Ok, so we had to alight at Braddell, which was seriously ulu,
with all those passengers onboard looking at us with seriously disturbing eyes.
Like there was something wrong with us luh ! -.-
Steffi came on the next MRT.
& when she appeared,
i was shouting to board the MRT before it left.
So it was a little obscene. :x
But alas, we met up.
The movie we were planning to watch was Planet51, which started at 2.35.
With the advertisements, it would be around 2.45.
We reached at only 2.30.
Plus the queue was super damn long with only 1 counter and a SELLING FAST blinking letters on the screen of the show,
we were kind of anxious.
Didnt have a good feeling. :/
Rach suggested that we watch 'Princess & the Frog' if we really couldnt make it or the seats werent what we wanted.
Yah, so they had only front seats,
eventually, decided to watch the 3.30 'Princess & the Frog'. :DD
6th sense so accurate can. :x
Then went to eat at KFC.
Tried the black pepper chicken.
Not very spicy, like i thought might.
But i still ended up crying.
-.= Gosh..
Afterwards, headed to watch the movie.
All i can say is,
Super hilarious, touching, and though very fairy tale-like, duper interesting.
Movie ended at around 5.30.
Then went to BookFest.
We were kind of stuck there, for about 3hrs or so ?
Because the next thing i knew, it was already 15mins before it was 8pm.
Rushed to pay.
& i bought another book + decoration. :P
Headed to the food junction for dinner.
I finished mine before Steffi and Rach started theirs.
Either i ate too fast, or they took a longer time to purchase their food. :/
Laughed at our stupidity during dinner, and i will never say what happened. :)
Prepared to go home at 9.30.
Walked very long from Suntec all the way to CityLink Mall and then to MRT.
Reached at around 10 ?
Rach had to go to Outram Park, so me and Steffi took the MRT together.
Then finally reached home at about 10.30.
Just in time to mega that baka on 200. :/
Then slacked inside.
& the next moment, jie was talking me to MSN,
telling me that..
Ok, so it's like, she wasnt around.
Then those stray dog catchers shot at the dog because it was barking at them and jie's parents didnt go and stop them for fear of troubles.
Then it was saddening because they didnt give the dog a tag because again,
her parents are afraid of trouble, whatsoever.
So damn wtf lah !
So jie couldnt even retrieve her dog's body.
What made me really pissed and mad was that
Walao eh.
Plastic bag sia.
Couldnt they have at least, returned him to her so that she could settle the 'funeral' or something ?
Double ZZZ leh.
Kao one lor.
Then she became kind of depressed.
It's very rare for jie to cry. :/
So since she was crying and i couldnt stop it,
had to distract her.
Either it was because she decided to put it down,
or because my distraction worked,
she didnt feel that sad. :D
Though i dont really know whether it was true or not. :/
Slacked in FM afterwards.
Talked, chat.
Made a fool out of her kor. :x
HAHA, so damn fun can, though it's mean to lie to him. :P
Too bad she couldnt join in with me because she was busily acting afk while i was busy talking to her kor about her afk being so long because she fell into a toilet bowl. :3
So i was like, suan-ing her in front of her kor and she was laughing like hell. :x
Ok, i was giggling in front of the comp as well.
Off comp at around 2.30.
Super tired after chionging finish the 379 page Chinese book that i borrowed from the library !~
See, im such an amazingly fast reader. :3
Too bad i just cant seem to use this on studies.
chionged 60%. :D
Went to cut hair myself.
Now it's like.. Quite short at the back. O-O
It's super rare for me to be willing to cut the hair at the back.
That's why, when mum saw me, she was like,
how come i was willing to 'sacrifice' it. ~.~
Last time i really 'cherished' my hair lah. :/
Because last time very nice ma ! x.x
Then now, it's like, so damn hot.
& with a bunch of hair at the back, it becomes even more stuffier.
So i wouldnt be surprised if i decided to go snip all the hair off and cut something like a mushroom head.
Im actually considering it actually. :P
But i bet i'll look weird, and definitely, of course, not going to cut the mushroom head.
It was just an example. :x
Stupid baka..
Dont know what to say to him also.
Keep being so pessimistic.
Should be a companion with Mario liao. -.=
How can a guy, for goodness sake, be such a coward and not face up to reality ?
& even to the extent of considering committing suicide.
Wth can..
Like, it's so darn stupid to do this just because of a sheet of shyt paper.
Kns leh.
Immature thinking. :/
But at least, he's still alive and kicking now. :x
Somehow he makes me worried about my own future as well.
Too tired from thinking what im going to do if i really failed.
So i'll just continue my life in a sloppy manner till that day. :D
HAHAs, at least,
i got mum to let me slack at home for a few months before i go search for a job,
if i really failed.
Which of course,
TOUCHWOOD + CHOI x1000000000000000000000000000000
ChaoNgin suggested going to East Coast tomorrow.
But the exact details she hasnt told me yet.
Hope it's a nice weather tomorrow + a few more people are going.
Else, it's not going to be very fun. D:
The more the merrier ~ :D
Shall see what she says tonight. ^-^
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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