Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Just totally hate it when things have been confirmed and someone backs out at the end.
& it's practically,
Wth lah.
Fine, i can accept your
But i think it was rather,
an overnight thing ?
My brain can accept this.
But you cant stop my inner curiosity to suspect that reason.
I dont know why whenever we have such things,
there would always be a spoiler at the end.
Kao sia.
That's why you cant blame me for not really wanting to go out with all of you most of the time..
just when i trusted you the most,
you gave me this.
Trust, what's that ?
Doubt it even exists..
Yah, so really,
couldnt blame me again,
for not trusting people with anything.
Not even the secrets i wish i could just tell someone close.
Wth is this.
Im not going to make this mistake again. The choice is up to you. Not me.
Duper pissed off.
What's more.
Interestingly, i didnt know that people who were quite unwell,
could still use the computer.
How very interesting.
I dont remember using mine because i was sleeping most of the time when i wasnt feeling that well.
Fine, i WILL take your reason.
The more i think about it, the more my blood boils,
and the sooner im going to die.
So not going to kill myself just because of some people that pisses me.
hope later after going to BookFest then can make it in time for movie with ChaoNgin.
But the only problem is that im rather...
Pokai now. :P
Yah, because my salary is currently having a good life lying in an air-conditioned room with security guards protecting it.
We'll see how.
ChaoNgin will confirm with me later anyway. :D
Thats what she said. :/
& today's jie's final paper ~ xDD
Cant wait for her to be back and we can celebrate her..
Exams being over for an entire night.
Though i bet after the celebration,
she might begin to worry about the results.
That's just the most torturous cycle.
Waiting for something that's going to make a difference in your life.
Hope she's mugging really hard now at the library and not dozing off there.
Mei's coming back today too. :D
But i doubt she has the energy to stay up too late,
what with her current family situation.
Shall update if i feel like it tonight.
Must prepare to go out already.
Fullstop !
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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