Friday, December 11, 2009
Just finished watching Ouran ! :D
I know lah, it's been quite some time already. :/
But anyways, better than never even watching !
OMG lah, the anime so nice.
But i cant really agree with the ending.
Makes me sad to not be able to see the happy ending i was hoping for ! D:
& i will DIEDIE NEVER approve of Kyouya x Haruhi ! :x
Must be Tamaki x Haruhi ! MUSTMUST ! x.x
I mean, though he not super shuai in all the scenes,
at least in some parts of the anime, he really look shuai lor ! D:
What's with the unknown love.. -.=a
& damn, the manga is still ongoing.. ?
im going to start on another anime already ! :D
Havent decided which one i want to watch. Still debating. x)
Inner thought : TAMAKI x HARUHI
Went out with Rach and Kurin today. :D
Supposedly, we were supposed to meet at 1pm at MRT station.
Then ended up, Rach reached at 1.10 while Kurin was going to be late.
So when i thought i was running late,
actually i ended up being early.
After Rach arrived, walked around J8, finding her glow-in-the-dark stars like the ones in my room, and finding some snacks to eat. :)
Met Kurin on the MRT and she was like, super big eyes when we entered. :P
Epic. xD
Headed to Orchard Central.
Shopped around.
Actually it was more like walking around aimlessly and sighing, commenting on the lack of shops there. :x
Went into this super cool furniture shop ! x.x
There were tons of interesting things luh !
Super stunned by the cool cool awesome things inside. :x
Somemore the shop damn big, take up 2 entire shop space which could have been like, 5 shop's size.
Walked around again.
& that's when we saw..
Me and Rach were like, OMG i want try.
Then Kurin was, OMG i dont want to try.
We walked around, looked at some shops, and finally arrived at the Kenko. :x
In the end,
Kurin wasnt afraid.
I was the one having a hard time enduring the itchiness of the bites of those fishies.
Damn, not my fault can ? D:
I was already born to be afraid of tickles.
Somemore, looking at the tons of fish, confirm got trauma ! x.x
The pictures are with Kurin..
& now when my legs feel numb, it somehow feels like the fish eating my dead skin again..
OMG.. -.-
Went to the Rooftop Garden later. :D
Super duper damn ultra nice siol ! ^-^
Too bad, the scenery around Orchard Central itself wasnt as beautiful as the garden.
Took pictures. :D
Will go back once most of the constructions are done. ;D
went to 313@Somerset.
Weird name right ? I mean for a shopping mall.
Just see ION and compare it with 313..
It might have been better if they named it 409. :P
Anyways, there were tons of shops but too bad, Forever21 wasnt open yet.
There were nothing interesting in UNIQLO except some jeans on sale but did not look nice on me. :x
Walk walk, then went to eat at their Food Republic.
It was super big and spacious, can !
I bet the tables and chairs available there would always have some vacancies.
But if the entire place was taken, then it would show how many people there were. -.-a
Cant bear to think about the population there..
Eat finish, Kurin went to take bus.
Me and Rach went to Kino and crapped on the way, waiting for time to pass.
Then she suddenly mentioned that the people should make 1 ferrero rocher christmas tree.
The next second,
i saw 1 just outside Taka.
& we were like,
OMG this is so jinx ! =.=!
Looks like part of my 6th sense was imparted to Rach afterall. :P
& im going to call my daughter Chanel whereas Rach's going to call her son Vuitton.
*Look at the shop on the 1st floor when entering Taka going to Kino's doors.
Chanel and Vuitton will be best friends. :3
HAHA, jkjk. x.x
Started walking to Pacific Plaza and passed by the big christmas tree outside ION.
Went inside and took pictures, which took
Then later, collected the cheque at 7pm when it should be at 6.30.
Knew it. Those people are always late.
YAYS, so damn happy.
I GOT ...
Dont tell you. :P
But enough for my New Year clothes, that's for sure.
Then went home.
Bought Yami Yoghurt.
Im beginning to like yoghurt now.
Cant blame me, there was always this edge of sourness that really made me disgusted since im not quite fond of sour things.
My day's adventures are that much.
Hope can go BookFest next week.
Today already started.
ZZZ. x.x
Cant wait. Cant wait. :x
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