Monday, December 14, 2009
Woke up exceptionally early today despite sleeping at about 2am in the morning.
Im so damn sure that i'll have difficulties removing those dark circles. =.=
Dammit. :/
Went to J8 to cash my cheque.
Took an unbelievably long time.
I was practically getting rather pissed off by the rate at which the queue moved.
It was like, in slow motion.
Ok, maybe it wasnt in slow motion.
& the number of customers were just a meagre 5 ?
Cant believe it.
But luckily, what i feared didnt happen. :3
I guess im being paranoid again.
Or you could say, letting my imagination run wild. x.x
Went to POSB.
It took an even longer time, omg lah.
Super duper pissed off.
I believe the 2 man in front of me were getting rather restless as well.
The ironic thing is,
others took such a long time to settle their banking issues whereas i waited so long,
just to finish mine in a matter of at most, 5mins.
Then ran to library and returned books.
& ran to Long John Silvers to buy breakfast. :P
Luckily i made it in time before they switched their menus to the afternoon course.
Maple-d as usual.
What can i do, man ?
Facebook ?
Or MSN ?
As if there's tons of people waiting to talk to me on MSN. -.=
Wth, im going to go bankrupt at this rate.
Damn that stupid di ! -.-
Anyways, mei's at her ahma's funeral and staying over tonight.
So cant talk to her on MSN. D:
Tomorrow going Bookfest with LiXuan and Rebby ! :D
Too bad Elena and SeeMin couldnt/arent going.
But i doubt i have enough money to buy books.
Hope those i buy dont have sad endings.
Damn i feel so cheated. -.-
The ones i bought last time comprised of mostly sad endings which i totally detest.
You should be able to tell from the fact that i borrow library books only when im rather satisfied with the ending, or i think that the ending is acceptable.
We'll see how. ;)
Think Thursday going to watch movie with Steffi and Rach. :)
Planet51 ~
Cant wait to watch it.
Of course, down the list there's still a few more.
Such as :
- The Princess & the Frog
- Alvin & the Chipmunks 2
- Avatar [ Maybe :/ ]
- Couple's Retreat [ With ChaoNgin, i think ]
I suppose this week would be less boring.
But sheesh.
Just when i decided to chiong in Maple.
What bad timing.
However, of course i would choose to hang out with friends instead of letting Maple rule my life. :D
He is so going to be 200 before i even reach 130.
Rumors spread ~
Olevel results out in approximately a month's time from now, or earlier.
So, i guess i have a month to live my life to the fullest before i decide what im going to do with the remaining
Nlevel results out soon.
All the best to him ! :D
Am i falling ?
Definitely not.
Im beginning to regret borrowing the super thick chinese book le lah.
It's like,
the moment i flip the page and start reading, im already like ~> x.x
Words so small + 379 pages.
From now till 29dec, i dont think i can even finish the entire book.
But the good thing is i finished the other 2 english books, which of course, isnt something surprising given the speed at which i chiong a book. :D
Ok, rather beat now.
Im so useless lah.
Imagine playing computer for an entire day and im like someone who has worked till she wants to die.
What am i going to do if i really stepped out into society next time ?
Cant think about it.
Dont even dare.