Sunday, December 20, 2009
Feel super retarded lor.
At first, i went to sleep at 10pm.
Ended up, i tossed and turned on it because of the damned headache + soreness of my legs.
So eventually,
i 'woke' up at 11pm and on comp instead.
So damn stupid can ?
I guess sleeping at 1 or 2am results in my bio-clock unable to adjust to sleeping at such an early hour.
went to ECP with ChaoNgin & Karen today ! :D
Met up with ChaoNgin at AMKHub because i had to eat since i woke up late and didnt have breakfast. :x
It was super suay because it was raining heavily. x.x
Then we were calling Karen and asking her if she really really wanted to go to ECP because im dead sure it's raining there as well.
Then she somehow, didnt understand that point and kept asking us why we cant go there.
In the end,
when we were on the bus to go meet her,
she called us and asked what we should do if it really was raining there.
We were like, already thinking about that before she came to this point.
So all in all,
she was a tad too slow. =.=
Crapped on the bus and did many stupid things.
Stupid as in,
1. A guy standing behind us attempting to alight when me and ChaoNgin were listening on separate ends of the earpiece, with the wire dangling in the middle and causing the guy to be unable to alight.
2. ChaoNgin messaging me when she was sitted behind me because she couldnt ask me the question directly regarding the guy beside her.
So it seems weird because, i was looking back at her and replying when we could have talked.
Though that would seem rude to keep staring at the person. :x
As i expected,
it was raining.
Went to Parkway Parade to walkwalk since there was nothing we could do until the rain was over.
Shared an umbrella, but it was as if there werent in the first place. :x
Walked about.
Went to the super high-class restaurant which costed me a big damned bomb and making me pokai literally.
But the coffee and pasta is GOOD. :D
Then we walked around aimlessly again.
Went into Isetan and there were some very obscene + strange things we saw inside which was seriously,
Finally, after waiting for about 3hrs,
the rain stopped,
and we walked to ECP and cycled for 2 whole hours.
It's been a very long time since i cycled such a long distance.
Im like, dead after the cycling.
But i guess i exercised. :D
Now my poor legs feels so sore. D:
Took pictures, which are all on FB.
went to take bus again.
After the cycling,
my legs went jelly.
When walking down a slope,
it felt like i could just take a step and squat down right there and then and not continue walking anymore.
Lucky, i have determination to continue walking.
Else it's going to be so embarrassing to suddenly stop and squat down there.
Then when i ran,
it felt like i could really, squat down again.
I think my entire face showed : TIRED.
That's why ChaoNgin and Karen kept laughing at my response when ChaoNgin asked if i was ok. :/
Seriously, it felt like i just finished running 4.8km.
there were tons of seats on the bus.
& since the return trip was long,
my legs could finally relax. :D
ChaoNgin had to attend her GuZheng lessons, so she alighted first.
Then Karen,
and lastly, me.
Went to buy dinner.
Finished a story from the chinese book i bought ! :D
Going to continue ~ ^^
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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