Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry christmas ! :D
So fast.
1 year passed in a flash.
& i wonder where all the days had went.
Anyways, not much special celebrations for xmas. :/
Went to Pizza Hut with parents yesterday. :D
I would be damn happy if not that i was the one treating them.
Oh well, once in awhile is fine. :)
Which reminds me how many eons i havent been to Pizza Hut already. :x
Ate quite alot but ended up, i was still hungry.
Dammit. =.=
After eating, went to NTUC to restock ! :DD
I grabbed things as i walked.
So ends up,
i bought :
- 7 packets of KinderBueno
- 3 packets of Twisties
- 2 tubs of Ben&Jerry's
- 2 cup noodles + 1 packet of TomYam maggi.
Mum didnt want to pay for my stuffs except the icecream. D:
I would have bought the Milo icecream.
But damn, that promoter aunty kept using magical words like,
It's on offer ~
You have another tub for free ~
So mum only paid for the icecream, which she said, was my christmas present.
In total..
I spent..
14bucks on the food, not including the icecream.
If i included it,
it would have been $28.
i wonder how i managed to pick up a basketful of stuffs and ended up being more broke than ever.
Shyt lor.
I should never ever step into NTUC again ! D:
Stupid siol.
Ignore the Ben&Jerry's.
If not for the fact that all the stuffs i bought kept having the
SALES & OFFER tags there,
i wouldnt have took a couple more of the food,
and wouldnt have ended up buying so many things,
and would NEVER have been even more broke.
But it was money well-spent. :P
At least i get to eat Ben&Jerry's at home ! x.x
Milo icecream, shall wait till i finish the ones at home. :x
Now, my house is well stocked up. :D
I believe i can stay cooped up at home,
living on all those things for about a week. :/
The amount of things i bought seemed like preparing myself for hibernation or something. =.=
Went home afterwards.
Felt so cheated lor.
Stupid jie and mei.
Both cheat my feelings.
Wait till so sad.
Im going to give them the silent treatment ! >:(
i woke up at 12pm.
It's considered rather late to myself lah.
Normally i wake up at around 9 or 10am.
Earliest would be 8.
Though i slept at a rather
it's shocking to realise that i almost
Just that it was 11hours only. :/
So means, i practically slept half of my day.
Luckily i woke late.
Thus, wasnt so hungry when i woke up.
Wonder what im going to do tonight.
Not intending to be stuck at home the entire day when others are out celebrating.
Bored stiff now lor.
& stupid me,
i finished all my Chinese books already. DD:
Now im like, left with nothing to do except comp + tv.
Think i must head down to the library someday and get my hands on english books,
else im going to be english-deprived again.
Off to surf the net ~ :D
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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