Thursday, May 21, 2009
Yays! Watched 'Night at the Museum 2' with Rach and Esther! <33 the movie. It's as nice as the first one. :] It's rather rare to have a second movie that is as nice or much more nicer than the first one. O-O Im glad to say this one made it!! ^^ 100% hilarious. *Highly recommended! :D
Ok, so i went home and slacked abit and is currently doing some stupid idiotic things. xD Posted a quiz of my own in FB and NamenJie, Qin, and Steffi took it. All of them failed. O-O Was it too difficult?! I didnt think so wor. D: Anyways, Steffi's trying to bargain with me for more marks in some of the questions, which she felt was totally ridiculous. >.<
Im lazy to make a new quiz luh,ahFi. D: Dont force me. xD I should post the whole chat in blog but i think it's abit embarrassing 'cos there's the mentioning of some unhappy issues. Hais..
Anyways, hope that more friends would take the quiz. ^^ I passed namenjie and qin's quiz.. But i failed QY's! D: OMG luh.. Shyt lor. Should i retake? (o.o)|| Hais, suan le ba..
Shall go talk with Steffi. xD
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