Friday, May 8, 2009
Im kinda pissed off because of someone these days. Im not sure why luhh. But i guess it's because that particular person - let's call that person "A" and is a girl =x - said some really disturbing things which clashed with my thinkings ba..
I could practically cry over it.
Why does she have this kind of thinking ?! Was it my fault that i continuously 'suan-ed' her or was it because she just felt that we neglected her ? How could she just say that out ?! That hurts.. Ok, not in that really painful sense but, you geddit, it's like just weird to be friends for so long and suddenly say those words.
Though she didnt say that to me but to another person, which can be trusted, i think it hurts her to know about how A felt lor. People have persuaded me to think of the positive. EASIER SAID THAN DONE. It's not that easy to just let it go. We're talking about 4 years of friendship here, for goodness' sake! I mean, how could A just judge a friendship to be 'demoted' or 'promoted'? Is so damn frustrating luh !
Once i really wanted to confront her and just give her a good scolding and end our friendship? I dunno. But i really cant bear it anymore.. Why can't we sit down and talk ? Others persuaded me to keep quiet so that things might take a better turn if A thinks positively.. But she was in the wrong to judge our friendship like that! Why must we be the ones to give in to her??
There was 1 time, while walking to the district, she talked to me and asked me why i didnt speak so much...
A: Why you never talk so much liao?
Me: Nothing to say...
A: Then think about something to say lor. Why got nothing to say?
Me: Dunno. Maybe our friendship has turned bland, so nothing to say...
A: Yah...
I sort of 'hinted' her but i guess she was too blur to understand the hidden meaning behind my words.. I guess, our friendship ends this year. Though she still talks to us, she's starting to get on my nerves.. Perhaps it's because of what she said.. Perhaps because of her attitude..
Last year, she kept asking us whether she has changed. At that time, she hasnt. She was still our good friend.. But this year, she changed tremendously. Her attitude towards people... I have nothing to say. She keeps picking on people, calling them 'loser' just because they didnt want to rebutt her. She's been spoilt by her friends.. But not me..
I guess it's good i didnt give in to her that much.
Still cant accept the fact that she said all those hurtful things just because of a stupid thing.. Or things... Whatever luh. Couldnt be bothered. We'll see which day i can no longer stand her arrogance and just shoot everything. I can 100% guarantee i wont go easy on the words. I might just find every possible bad word and shoot at her. =x
We'll see...
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