Wednesday, May 20, 2009
OMG! Im not feeling well these days... Must be the weather. Dammit. >.<||
Anyways, today in school, we didnt do anything. LOLS! xD Ok, we did go through some exam scripts which i realised that i had done ALOT/TONS of careless mistakes. Pro right? :D
Then we got back our EnglishP1. MrsAng said some pro people in english failed in some parts and i was like so shocked. ( I shall not say who those people are. ;] ) I thought i was so dead. x.x Surprisingly, i passed! :D OMG luh! Kekex.. This shows that my english is returning to its standards. WEE~
It's comforting.. But i just hope it lasts till Olevels. It doesnt count in midyrs anyways.
Then i kinda 'slept',or not sleep, but daydreamed, through chem.. It's boring. I almost forgot everything lah! Shit luh.. Must go chiong tb again. Eeks! I saw steffi's tb and i was so sadded. >.< Theirs is so...... D: see le i pity myself also. -.="
Ok, so im just whining about 409's work load,when i should have accepted it the moment i appealed into the class. Hais. I shall work hard and prove that i have the brains to do it! :D Moreover, i did do rather pass-able for emaths. Means i must at least, have some brain in my head. xD But cant compare to the other niners luh..
Hmm.. I shall go slack with some people now. Kekex.. WEE so happy~ Tomorrow going to watch 'Night at the Museum 2'! ^^ That's a nice movie.. Im not sure watching with who though.. Must double-confirm with Rach. Heees. ;]
SeeMin & Fiona cheer up kays? :D
To SeeMin-though she wont see it =x :This is midyr nia.. Chem cfm no kick for you in O's de lah. I should be the one worrying ok?~ Tsktsk. :D
To Fei-O-Na :You can chiong in the next few months on 1 subject but i need to chiong so many. Not fair lor! Im the one crying here can? xD
Ok lah, all this is so crappy!~
Gone for now~
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