Tuesday, May 19, 2009
YAY ! Im feeling emo right now. x.x Ok, not really emo-ing luh. Is just having the kind of 'accept-it' feeling. xD
Ok, i shall give a brief summary of how well/bad i've done. ^^
English i got so high i was shocked. -.= The stupid MrAng still suan me abit say my english so powDerful. -.- What he mean nia... D: Well, at least it's nice to know that my english is returning to its original standards. Just hope it continues till the O's. =x
Chinese i got B3! >.< Shit lor. D: Ok lah, i lost to Lixuan by 4 marks in the overall paper1&2 combined. But i chased back in Oral. ^^ 33/40 sia. Happy.. I thought i screwed it and was so damn dead. x.x
I failed bio. :] Fullstop.
Surprisingly i passed chem and physics. WOO~ xD Couldnt believe it. =x I thought i was so in for it. Gosh luh.. MrAng added a 'COMPLIMENT' for me! :D -> what happened?
I can answer him lor. Is because my sec3 basic is cmi one. Kekex. So it practically dragged the entire paper down. But im still happy i passed it. :D
Humanities was so shiok ar~ xD Distinction liao. =x
Amaths was as expected, i flung it luh. xD I thought i would only get like around 20 or at most 30+, but i got 40+ ! Ok, its not something i shuld be happy about, but at least i didnt fail too ugly-ly. xD
Then emaths was another unexpected one.. I got an A2 sia! I couldnt believe it when i counted the overall. =x This is like the first time i didnt really work hard for emaths but still got 70+. I must be smart! :D Ok not smart in maths, but abit there la. xD
Therefore, i shall conclude that, i have to work hard on my amaths,physics,chemistry according to this order. =x
Amaths die-die must B3. x.x Physics i intend to ask MrAng someday. =x Chem ar... Ask MsTan lor.. =x
Later they kill me for forgetting all the things i die before O's. x.x
K luh, stop here. Im having a running nose. D: But weather.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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