Friday, May 15, 2009
Gosh luh. Im so bored at home and its only like, the second day? -.= Godd..
All those lazybum-friends dont wanna go out. A fine example shall be our MartianElena. TSKTSK!
Sian nor~ Was planning for an outing to like, Vivo? Kino? Or go walk around and have some fun. But i guess being with that gang of friends cant possibly go far places BECAUSE they like to chiong go 1 place then FASTFAST chiong go home one.. It's fun being with them, but when it comes to going out, they dont make the mark. -.-"
Hais. Rach's busy today. Cant go out with her. D: Then watched some Hana Yori Dango - Boys Over Flowers - de episodes lor. The storyline not bad lah. Quite hilarious.
I couldnt resist the temptation to skip to the ending luh. So.. xD Skipped there and watched lor. Eee lah. JanDi never pei JiHoo. D: Go with JunPyo. I dowan! >.< He not shuai one. =x
Actually KimHyungJoong shuai because he is most handsome in the group. Personally i think he abit above average. =x No offence >.<||
Know the ending liao so i just skipped the entire show. =x
Now so sian lor. Also dont know do what. No friends online to chat with me. Even when on liao also nothing much to crap about.
Miss the crappings with Steffi and ChinChao. D:
I shall go do some net-surfing.
-Paradise- <3
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