Saturday, January 24, 2009
YOs fellow peeeepooos ! xD
Ok so after about a month and... a few more days.. I FINALLY BLOGGED AGAIN ! >.< Is that worth celebrating for ? Hmm.. =x
K luhh.. I admit I blogged due to over-boredom. Kekex. But can't blame me !~ It was so damn(darn) boring ! So I have successfully half-quit Maple. xD Grats to me! Now have to study harder! >.< I shall aim Ngee Ann Poly behh ! =x But got her sia.. Sians. Forget it. STUDY HARD FIRST ! :D
Aniwaes~ HAPPY CNY IN ADVANCE ! ^^ Can't wait to see the whole family again, though it's different from previous years.. Shall bring my dearest camera to Grandma HQ to take loads of pics of my "cutecutecousins". *Blehx xP
HOHO ! K sign off le la. Go di siao that baka SI-TEFFI! xD
-Fahrenheit : Gu Dan Mo Tian Lun-
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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