Thursday, May 14, 2009
Im so gonna flung all my subjects happily !~ :D So i wont bother writing about anything related to exams, to save the sadness.. D:
Oh well, lets talk about what I did after Amaths <~ which was a disaster. -.= Hmm.. Where shall i begin.. OHYAH ! THERE ! ^^
So, after exams, went to foyer to wait for Fiona, Chao Ngin, Natalie, WenZhen and William. We were going to watch a movie. Ya know, to relax. =x Then take took their own sweet time. But i dun really mind since it's after exams already !! Then i didnt know why but in the end, Natalie and WenZhen didnt turn up.. So... Me, Rachel, Fiona, Chao Ngin and William went to AMK Jubilee to watch Angels&Demons. While waiting for the time, we went to S11 to eat. Ate the korean BBQ chicken set. OIISHII-DESUU ! I got cheated in ToaPayoh D:
Anyways, we had lots of laughter during the entire journey to AMK and while eating. William did kinda lot of stupid things and Fiona and Chao Ngin was acting stupid, as usual. OOPS. =x Oh nvm.. Then went to 7-Eleven and buy drinks.. Then when we went back to S11, a gang of people was sitting near our table and some was from the same school. They were like looking at William. O-O Then like prepare want whack William like that. We warned him to be careful. xD Anyways, he was dumb enough not to notice. So, Fiona was suan-ing him. :D
Then go watch movie lor.. Not bad lah, the storyline. Seriously like some chain-stories except that it's all mysterious type. Effects not bad wor! :D Then overall, i kinda didnt get a few parts of the story. But nvm, i asked Rach and she said, "Aiyo, what you watching?!" >.< I wasnt the only one not understanding it. xD Chao Ngin, Fiona, William also dun catch some parts. Kekex.
Then we happily walked around after the movie then went home lor..
Hope tmr can go out with LiXuan they all. It's been kinda long since we last went out tgt. Hope we can have QUALITY time tgt ! ^^
K shall end here. NameNamen On liao. Tatas~
Cried today cos of Amaths D:
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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