Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Lols ok im currently too bored cos thr realli is nth to do. I shall blog, after... 3months? -.= Kekex.. I steal some quiz from the stupid emo mei since she keep tag me do the quizzes. xD
[ random picks xD ]
a - angel ^^
b - brandon x.X
c - celia :]
d - darylene
e - elena -.-
f - fiona =x
g - gchaongin !:D
h - huiyee
i - idunno =.=
j - jenna
k - karen
l - lixuan O-O
m - michelle <3
n - nayoung :D
o - osama @.@
p - peiyee
q - qianying
r - rachel ;D
s - steffi !
t - tangent
u - urea ?
v - valerie
w - wenzhen
x - xiuyi
y - yinxuan
z - zixuan O.o
- can R and S be tgt in BGR ?
no, they're girls for goodness sake ! no bgr. but they crap :] BFFs!
- how is L related to you ?
my very cute & blur friend ! ^^
- does B know U ?
it's in his body. but he noes of U's existence :D
- if F betrays you, will you kill him/her ?
YAH of course ! tsktsk~ stupid question -.=
- if K steals your boyfriend, what will you do ?
dunno. X.x wont happen de lah~
- what if G tells you he/she have a crush on you ?
you must be kiddin. -.-
- will you and M get into a fight ?
NO !! GOSH !
- who does S have a crush on ?
junying? x.x *source from shiping :D
- if W calls you a bitch, what will you do ?
she wont ever do that! she's civilised like me ! ^^
- what's the relationship between you and E ?
martian&human relation.
- who does D like ?
- what V's fave band ?
how would i noe ? nvr talked. @_@
- what does Y like ?
ermm... dunno ? =x
- where does F live ?
- did you and C have a fight before ?
NO WAE ! she so good!
- who is H's best friend ?
angel/natalie ?
- what can you say about Z ?
nice person :D
- what if J tells you he/she has a crush on you ?
she would be joking.
Tag 10 people to do the quiz !
- shiping
- rebecca
- seemin
- clara
- peiyee
- serene
- fishy
- kaizhi
- karsen
- daryl
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