Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Yeah, i guess i'm putting that as one of the wishes for the new year as well.
Decided to get my hands on a few good books after being stuck at home for two consecutive days. Might as well find something to kill time and i'm dead sure i'll be cooped up at home for a little longer too.
I guess i'm trying my luck since stupid Elena suggested to join this free iPad event eligible for those who borrows at least 6books.
Nothing to lose since coincidentally, i had 6books with me too.
And so we just dropped in our book receipt into the box without even looking at when the books were due. It was until i reminded her before she went back to the box and looked at the date.
Ohwell, it's good to know that they'll last me for about a week, leaving the other remaining days for project purposes.
Frankly, i don't even know what to blog about for other days because it wasn't considered uneventful but at the same time, not very eventful either.
Ohyeah, it's the day where you eat 汤圆 ! Right, it's called 冬至 and not 吃汤圆日, if you're that dumb.
I hope mum's making tons of 'em because sadly, this year's 冬至 falls on a weekday and they don't have time to prepare considering the fact that they've to work. ):
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