Saturday, December 4, 2010
One of the things i wouldn't want to give up is the ability to make people laugh.
Even if i can't really get myself to smile from the bottom of my heart, i wouldn't take that smile away from others.
At least, it gives me that satisfaction to know that i can still make someone feel happy. To know that i can still achieve something in life. No matter how insignificant that moment of happiness is.
I was just beginning to worry that i might become a little too normal and boring since i've been withdrawing my sense of humour till i even question it's existence.
Maybe i should practice more with Xiuyi. I miss her. I miss them. I miss everyone.
I guess it really is a chance for me to reflect on my behaviour in the past. What comes around, goes around.
These 2 days without light also reminded me the importance to not take things for granted. I was literally blind without it. Thank goodness my parents repaired it today.
And it's quite shocking to know that i was reading technological-related articles. If you were reading my blog, you'd know that as much as i pursure technology, i hate it. Love-hate relationships.
Time to grow up, stop being a spoilt brat, not bug my poor parents, save up, wait patiently till August, and it'll be over.
Okay, i memorised PACC, and i've more or less forgotten what i stuffed into my brain.
I was halfway through recapping econs until Xiuyi came and talked and crapped with me.
Yeah, i get distracted too easily. But i'm gonna train my multi-tasking skills.
Recap while crapping, ohyeah ! ;)
I can't wait for exams to be over. 3weeks of holidays dedicated to BC and FOM projects, but it's better than nothing.
Let's jump and fly away !
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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