Saturday, December 11, 2010
It's just the second day of holidays and i'm already feeling like a week has passed.
But i guess it's a good thing that i still have another 3weeks ahead of me for me to relax, breathe, enjoy life a little, and face projects afterwards.
Though i would be more than willing to put the thought of "projects" aside, it just occurs to me naturally whenever i think about what's waiting for us at the end.
Not that i keep thinking about it. It just dawns on me whenever i'm alone and planning for the "next steps". It's a benefit to be easily distracted when i'm with friends. At least my mind is definitely not anywhere near studies.
So i was quite touched when most of my friends had prepared DIY stuffs as my birthday present.
Major thanks to my intelligence of coming up with hand-made gifts so that it touches the heart even though it might look cheapo.
Yeah, which means i'm actually reaping what i sow now. Tons of cards, pictures, memories.
I don't mind even if it's a piece of A3 paper with crappish words scrawled across but with each word, it brings back memories and what we all shared.
That's probably one of the reasons why i take forever to pick a present and i often tend to get something for my friends after getting to know them for about a year. Things takes time.
Back to the day's events. I didn't expect that Rebby, Lixuan & Elena would be joining us. Thought they might be having plans on weekends, like they always did.
I'm a bad friend because i didn't even know Elena was home alone while her family ditched her and left for Malaysia. I should've extended an invitation to her to come sleep at my house. Okay maybe not, i'm afraid i might die from talking to her.
Anyways, i got curious what they prepared for me when they handed me the THING they did. All credit goes to Seemin for commenting that she wanted to see my "epic response".
Yeaps, it was so epic i laughed in the middle of the road with people staring at us. I even squatted on the floor. (Y)
But all normal humans would have done that if they saw the ridiculous work. I appreciate it though. To be honest, i kind of like it. And i think i'm gonna hang it up on the wall and wake up laughing as i see it every morning.
With the bunch of retards, it's quite tough to not stay sane and keep a poker face the entire day.
Not forgetting the prezzie Chaongin and Rayna prepared for me. It's totally compatible with the doll Rebby gave me during sec3. HAHAA. I guess it comes as complements, just 2years later.
Still cute, and as quoted by Chinchao, it's "as adorable as me" so they picked it for me. Aww.
& the hand-made big card that Xiuyi made with pictures of the two of us only. Kewl, i didn't even remember taking so many pics together.
See, it's a good thing to be camwhores because in times when you want to make interesting birthday gifts, you can have access to these pictures as and when you like.
Okay, enough of the credits thing. They all should know i'm thankful to them. :D
Spent the rest of the day at bookfest and walking around Suntec doing retarded things.
Had Astons for dinner, for the first time, and the experience wasn't too bad.
I got caught off guard. Again. -.-
Was playing with games and suddenly, they started singing happy birthday songs. I almost wanted to dig a hole and bury my head with everyone looking in our direction.
But yeah, i appreciate the thought of them making it a surprise. Yay !
I told you i got a bunch of sweet friends though they might make you want to slap them when they start talking rubbish and make you talk rubbish with them too.
That pretty much ends the day.
I'm kinda lazy to update on what i did yesterday, so i'll just leave it as a bookwormish day that ended with Starbucks and a whole lot of walking.
These two days, though tiring altogether, was meaningful. I always feel accomplished when i'm out and running about instead of sitting in front of the computer and being a lifeless zombie.
Okay, i'll consider taking pictures of the presents i received this year.
But on second thought, maybe not.
I'm in a bit of a sticky situation right now, with all my unglam photos with Rebby and Elena.
I should prepare my camera on standby mode so that i can take down all their unglam moments and compile a book of unglams at our 6th or 7th friendship anniversary.
& i still think it's kinda cool we actually wrote our wishes on the big balloon ball that'll be released at iLight Marina. :D
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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