Monday, December 13, 2010
I decided that the earlier entry was too draft-like and incomplete, so here i am trying to correct and keep things simple.
Basically, i'm quite disappointed in the Comics convention even though i bagged some badges home which was rather worth it and now i've to get a black bag to pin it up but that's not the point, the point is there wasn't any dgray related stuffs there and the only things i saw there with my Allenwalker pictures is a plastic fan and this pathetic necklace with the words "D gray Man" on it. End of story.
Looks like i can no longer depend on such stalls/stores to give me what i want.
Maybe it's a better idea that i save up and really, just wait till i have the $$$ to fly to Japan myself.
Or i might just consider getting it online, though it's on high demand and obviously, if you learnt/remember econs, you'd know that high demand equates to high prices.
Anyways, i'm a little dying inside just thinking that the badge still isn't mine. Ohwell.
Headed out to watch "Rapunzel". It totally reminds me of "The Princess and the Frog". No idea why, probably because it was the last Disney princess movie i watched since eons.
Nonetheless, the entire movie was comedious, sweet, touching, and a whole lot of nice songs. As expected, it ended with a "And they lived happily ever after". I guess that's what Disney is about.
Okay, at least it's something good that the endings are always happy since sad endings pretty much sucks when things are suspended in the air.
I think i have a crush on the guy, aww man.
Anyways, watching the movie totally removed the thought that i wasn't going to watch meteor showers in the evening.
Not that i was actually thinking about it because it didn't really hit me till i came home.
Ohwell, you know what ? It's raining.
Too bad for those that were going to watch the meteor showers then. HEH. :P
We'll be wishing on planes, as usual, for now. I just hope that we aren't constantly depending on the "we have 3years, don't worry" idea that we end up not seeing a single thing even after we graduate.
Okay, the weather's so good it makes me want to sit, emo, sleep and do nothing.
It's so good to sit at home and slack around while watching all your friends mug for their upcoming exams. That's life for you, yay ! ;)
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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