Thursday, December 9, 2010
I'm so happy about the end of exams that i'm willing to let go of the "being duped" feeling. For these few days only though.
Call me being petty, but i wasn't the one at fault so don't make it seem like i'm to be blamed for everything. Sometimes i ask myself why i even bothered in the first place.
For now, i'm going to look forward to bookfest and comics convention. HEH.
I know this spells trouble since my wallet's definitely shrinking but it's a once-in-a-year thing so i don't really mind.
& i'm so effing happy i got so many Jonghyun-related presents this year. HAHAA.
First, the SHINee shirt from classmates.
Then, the Jonghyun chibi shirt from Steffi and Rach.
I'm so touched. *Cries a sea*
Even the things they write in the letters are craps and rubbish that only i can understand. LOL.
Yay, thanks to the two of 'em, i've thrown PACC at the back of my head. (Y)
Okay, off to watch GDA. SHINee daebak !
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