Monday, December 6, 2010
Nothing beats waking up to the spam of messages from your friends.
At times like this, you can see who are those that really cares about you. *Cries a river*
Anyways, expected some, unexpected some. Mixture of feelings, but everything comes down to “有心就好”.
See ! I don't really mind not having presents. Though i don't say no to presents either. :P
The mini celebration in school was quite, surprising. Okay, on second thought, it wasn't exactly "mini" since everyone in Fc5 was literally staring at us make a fool out of ourselves.
In the past, my birthday always falls on holidays so not many people remembers it since it's HOLIDAYS.
So theoretically speaking, this is the first time i'm celebrating in school with classmates and being smashed in the face with cake for >=2 times. (Y)
Even though i'm hating my hair for smelling like cake up till now which is about 10pm, i appreciated the entire effort to make it a surprise for me. So yeah, i'm the happiest girl today ! :D
Despite a handful of people having birthdays the same day as me, i really don't think they could be happier than me. HEH.
List of people to thank :
1. Nabilah, Huiwen, Elissa, Gan, Crystal, Yiying and Baoling for the celebration & SHINee shirt + an effing cute Jonghyun badge. <3
2. Yongzhi for the present. Shock of my life. Including malu of my life. Never get present for him. *Bangs wall*
3. Mad for the budget birthday present of Snackers from KFC, last minute order. LOL.
4. Xiuyi for calling me after making sure i was free, through FB because her MSN died. HAHAA.
5. Chaongin for getting Xiuyi out to use her phone and call me to sing for me but sadly, i didn't pick up. I'll look forward to when you sing for me, CHINCHAO ! :P *Prepares earmuffs*
6. & the whole lot of people that messaged/wished me. You know who you are ! *Cries another river*
SP has finally given me something worth commemorating. Like, at the end of the year.
I guess it's never too late. Better to be late than never, right ? :)
It was definitely a deed for me to wish people happy birthdays on FB. I never knew how happy you could feel just from getting wishes from everyone. Whether you know them or not.
It makes you feel special. Even for just a day.
The best way to know who cares about you, is on your birthday.
Fuckyeah, i got a bunch of freaking good friends. I think i hit the jackpot or something. HAHAA.
That's about all. I'll add on if i can think of what i'm thankful for, besides my parents bringing me to this world 17years ago, and my good friends.
Everyone in 409 is finally 17 ! :D
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