Friday, December 17, 2010
I thought it was a good time to cut my hair before the new year. And also to cut it way before just in case things turns out bad.
I think i'm becoming an expert at predicting things because my fringe sucked. As usual. I specifically told her i didn't want to cut it that short, but she insisted that it looked nicer that way and snipped it off for me.
She might have just cut my entire fringe off since it doesn't make any difference between having ugly short fringe and none at all.
I had intended to change my hairstyle to forget my worries and get my mind somewhere else rather than getting frustrated.
Somehow after cutting, it feels like as though nothing has changed. On the other hand, it feels all the more like it's getting out of hand.
Damn, i should just stay at home for the next 2weeks and sulk.
Seriously, i'm just hoping 2011 is much better than 2010.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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