Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sometimes i wish Spongebob was my friend.
I thought i was the only one. Looks like i can never remember that there are also others out there going through the same things as i am. Perhaps worst. And i might even know some of them.
Was just reading some of my friends' blogs awhile ago, just to see what they've been up to recently. It makes me feel so guilty to realise now that things weren't exactly too smooth for them when i thought it was. Even more guilty that they're my friends and i'm clueless.
I was right to consider the idea of popping the question whether they cried in the past few days. At least i could try to do something.
Or maybe i might just screw everything up and end up asking why i even bother when nobody else does.
Okay, this sucks because i'm not getting to any conclusions.
Just hoping that 2011 would be much much better than 2010. Though of course, we already know in our hearts whether it would be for the better or otherwise.
Went to Nex with SP to watch Tron Legacy today.
And i can't help but realise that the architects in recent years, love to situate toilets in such deep and discrete places that the time to walk to the toilet is longer than when you stay in the toilet itself.
You might as well just pee while walking.
No logical explanation i can come up with. Unless they're trying to test if our bladder is functioning normally, or get us to burn a few calories at the same time.
Anyways, i'm addicted to the bikes and flying discs in the movie. & the movie has been another evidence to remind me why i am nowhere near technological softwares.
I will start on research tomorrow. Really.
Holidays is ending soon. Once the new term commences, it's back to projects, lectures, dozing, projects, tutorials, projects, panicking, exams.
Makes me recall the conversation i had with SP earlier on, talking about how truly pathetic we are even though we had everything we need in life..
If you could enter AJC given that you would be leading a nerdy and no-lifer life, would you take the offer ?
If you were granted with GPA 4.0 and all you have to do is become a 井底蛙, always asking questions, being singled out by friends as a result, facing social problems and taking it in by yourself, would you do it ?
For my current lifestyle, i won't.
But since the current lifestyle isn't as important as academics, wouldn't the answer be obvious enough ?
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