Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy that GEMs presentation ended.
Glad that i got Starbucks to celebrate the end of one project though this is one of the most smooth-sailing project ever.
Depressed that i missed Wall E & black holes.
Even more depressed when i've to start reading econs in about an hour's time.
Dying when my phone dropped off the bed, shut itself off, and full battery to low battery.
Can i dump my phone in the bin ? I've had enough of such things. If nobody's contacting me, i guess i'll be fine without one. ZZZ.
& i'll most probably skip prom.
Frankly, when people give me that "aww, so sad" response to my "no, we weren't rich enough to have a prom", i don't have that self-pity. I just feel like punching them because it feels like major sarcasm.
Never into such things.
Imagine the money you could save just from buying a prom dress and besides, i'm in need of financial support at the moment so i'm not spending money on a freaking dress that i'm not wearing for the next 17years of my life.
If you asked me, i would rather hang out at McDonalds with 409 the entire day than walk around in a dress and heels. It's more practical, isn't it.
Ohwell, opinions differ. Mind is set, money-saving plan in continuation.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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