Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I wish they invented something like a transmitter from the brain to the computer.
At least i'll know what i want to blog and what i don't really feel like mentioning.
It's kinda difficult to be typing and weighing the importance of blogging things at the same time. More like a burden.
Anyways, i just hope i can find something to do these 2days before life picks up again.
& even though seeing the truth might dash all the previous beliefs, i've succeeded in continuing to believe in them because to a certain extent, they were real.
So now the question therein lies,
what should i get for lunch. HMM.
Sometimes i wish i had a personal hideout so that i could escape from the world even for just a second.
& i wish you knew, really. Do you ?
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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