Wednesday, September 15, 2010
I wish we were a little better off.
Without the need to constantly worry about so much things and thinking before we act.
I guess i'm asking for too much. But sometimes i just want to forget about it all.
Facing reality is like facing math sums and knowing that i'll never solve it in the short-run period.
I should be more thrifty though it's rather impossible unless i coop myself at home and eat $1.50 chicken rice everyday..
The thing about being friends for too long, is that you've practically bought all the potential to-be birthday gifts unless you decide to make one yourself.
This time round, we don't really have much time, so all we could do was find something that she'll need. Like so no sincerity, but no choice. ):
& i freaking found 2 pretty DIY shops in PS with SP. LOL, sounds so rhythmic.
Think i'll spend the entire holidays making things. Not that i'm a big fan of art since art and i were never in the same equation to begin with.
But i've got a good feeling this time round. So many ideas. Just need time.
Ohyah, not forgetting more money needed as well.
I wish money falls from the sky and i'm the only one that can see it falling so nobody fights with me over it.
Sometimes i wonder if people remember me as often as i'm reminded of them.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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