Friday, September 17, 2010
Once bitten, twice stronger & smarter.
If i've to do it, i'll do it till the last. Then don't expect anything from me ever again.
Because you don't deserve it.
Reading Eragon again was the best idea ever, since i'm rather lazy to head down to the library to look for more books.
Without fail, i'd be thrown into the world of fantasy and all-things magical.
Though his life has so much uncertainties and is fucked up as well, there was always hope at the brink of giving up.
Worthy of learning from.
It's a wonderful escape from reality. Now i wish i had a dragon. It'll be my best friend and know me better than i know myself.
Okay, just hoping that dude finishes the last book so i can complete the entire series. Been waiting for 2years++. Omfg !
Quite saddening to not have bought the hardcover for the first book since it's the best. Ohwell, better than nothing.
Can't believe i finished it within 3days and i'm at the 3rd book already.
Wouldn't be surprised if i went ahead to read Twilight. Rather deterred from that idea though, thanks to "Vampire Sucks" today.
Somehow Edward looked cuter in that parody than the real one. HEH.
Tomorrow sounds rather dreary. Not very looking forward to it, no idea why.
More of the intention to stick to my storybook than going out and spending money.
I'm a bookworm, period.
Ohyeah, the headphones are effing nice ! :D
Damn, i wasted money, but i guess it was sorta, put to good use ? :P
Quality is (Y).
While sieving through photos, came across this which brings back memories. Tons of 'em, in fact.

Need i say more ?
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