Monday, September 13, 2010
Econs paper was surprisingly okay.
Perhaps the one and only 1111 i made after the promise to not wish upon it again, really helped.
Anyways, it's the first time i saw the authentic 1111 instead of the 2311 which we're usually seeing at night.
Can't blame me. I'm too lazy to even wake at 11am. Late nights. HEH.
But then again, still rather scared.
Easy papers are usually more scary than tough papers because you might be marked down easily.
Ahwell, let's see how things goes.
Now i've to go to the temple to thank 观音娘娘 for giving me emotional support. LOL !
& then it's the start of holidays ! :DDD
The thought of being released from the burdens is like, breathing in a huge gulp of fresh air.
But the impact wasn't as great as i thought it would be..
Rather reluctant to go for class dinner because of various reasons.
But i guess it was shockingly okay since some _____ didn't attend and it was much better in a way.
Spent too much, ate too much = Sinful. ):
Managed to crap, gossip, and just waste time and have fun together though. Are things finally getting better ?
Are we finally getting closer ? Hope so.
I feel like a major failure. Couldn't even tell if it was Mars/aeroplane. Wtf.
Time for some realtime practice. I've got tons of times to practice in this 5weeks. :D
Can go sit at the void deck and try spotting them. Just hope the lights won't affect it. :/
So many things i wanna do, and i feel that 5weeks would pass in a flash.
How ?
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