Saturday, September 18, 2010
The surprise yesterday wasn't too perfect, but at least, we managed to make it a surprise, still.
It wouldn't be possible if not for everyone's effort, so i guess we should give each other a good pat on the back. :D
Anyways, i never knew J8 was such a great hangout place until yesterday.
I guess i've been living in this region for too long that i took it for granted, more or less.
& this also proves that it's not the destination but the companions, that matters.
Had a great time just sitting and talking there with a whole lot of photo-taking and doing retarded things as usual.
Laughters i haven't heard for awhile..
Yesterday should be our last gathering before JC peeps have their promos.
& i'm dead sure they'll all be promoted regardless of how bad their results may have been throughout the year.
I failed 7subjects and i passed my Olevels. I know it's different to an extent since we're talking about JC/poly education now. But the concept remains.
So all i've gotta say is good luck and jiayou till you're overflowing with oil ! :D
After sleeping for 12hrs, i still feel like sleeping.
Maybe i should take a nap before going to Chinatown with my parents.
Like omg, when was the last time i went to Chinatown ? LOL ! 1< x <4 !
The trip on the car bypassing it just to see the lights during CNY doesn't count exactly, since we didn't even get out of the car. :/
High time i went back and see how much it has changed. Maybe i'll bring my camera along.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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