Tuesday, September 14, 2010
& i'm laughing at how ignorant people can get, once again.
I can't stand how people misunderstand certain things. But if i do try explaining it myself, i'll get frustrated because i don't see the need to explain it further when they don't attempt to see the truth behind things.
Like i said, people usually stop at the surface of things. They never look beyond.
Then there're those who're reluctant to try, but keeps getting swayed.
I mean, if you want to do it, then just do it. Don't stand there being persuaded and end up wasting everyone's time by sticking to your original decision.
Complete waste of time.
Funniest thing is that they come up with all those arguments to backup for their original decisions and attempt to influence/bring down the person who tried persuading them in the first place.
Yeah, so you end up wasting time brainwashing them and causing them to try brainwash you back. (Y)
People are so funny at times. I should be more ignorant and use less of my feelings so i don't feel so many things everyday.
I'm always daydreaming.
Hoping that maybe one fine day, we might be like in those animes where we all live under one roof, talk, play, crap, argue, study, everything together.
At least we would be fine with days no matter how bad school is.
At the end of the day, we're all just pathetic loners.
Guess i'm used to loneliness. I'm just fighting it back.
I wouldn't mind spending 5weeks learning the skill of teleportation so that i can teleport somewhere else immediately after lessons.
& then i've become so two-faced.
I told my parents it was so 虚伪 and their reply was just “现实就是这样”.
Yeah, so i'm becoming two-faced in order to cope with those two-faced bastards. This is what they mean by "stooping down to their levels" ?
In order to ensure that we're never the ones on the losing end, this is the only thing to do.
Now i feel like digging a hole.
Not to bury myself. Just feel like doing something because something just feels missing..
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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