Monday, September 20, 2010
I guess it'd benefit us all if you mastered it yourself.
At least you wouldn't depend on me, i wouldn't have the burden, and we wouldn't argue anymore.
I'll help as much as i can.
But something tells me that it won't be as easy as it seems.
Patience is never in my blood.
Today's outing consisted of walking, photo-taking and visiting of hotels.
I feel like a total freak for not knowing how the hotels looks like.
I don't even know what hotels there are in SG, where they are located at, and how to even get there. I think i've lived in vain. ZZ.
Should i get a job too ? But i'm just that lazy. :/
Shockingly my desktop didn't give me any problems.
Not today, that is.
Let's hope it doesn't throw one of its tantrums anytime soon. & i've yet to install my printer. Yay.
Having printer like no printer. (Y)
Just realised how much i missed using the desktop with the big-big screen though the speed at which it loads drives me up the wall at times.
Well, at least it's still alive and kicking.
Shall hand over the burden of sustaining it, to my parents. They can do whatever they want as long as they can help me to prevent it from dying.
5years, not for nothing, please.
Yay i got the laser though it burned another hole from the thousands of holes in my wallet.
Maybe, just maybe..
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