Saturday, September 11, 2010
Finally finished memorising/understanding Econs. Omg, feels like my brains are gonna burst anytime.
Quite pathetic, come to think of it. Imagine if my brain's gonna explode only at this level, what's gonna happen when i take international econs.
International econs, sounds so pro right. Cheat your feelings one. Just like econs.
I don't detest econs, frankly. Because it's rather logical.
I just hate it when stupid economists add all those chim english in and distort the entire definition till i don't even understand a single thing and adding all those weirdly-shaped curves to further explain the complications in the economy.
I mean, if it's complicated, shouldn't they just teach those explanations rather than throwing a bunch of things like MC, ATC, AVC, MP and this graph called "rectangular hyperbola" when i don't even know the word "hyperbola" existed.
Many points of arguments, but i just can't get it all into my head. So for now, i'm 50% memorising, 50% understanding. Should be enough.
I just went to the sp website to see the list of my modules, and i was like -.- when i saw them adding the word "International" in front of things like "Marketing and research" which other courses take.
LOL, later is all the same. Cheat my feelings x200.
Anyways, i am NOT looking forward to things like finance and business laws. Sounds like another dozen of MOB lecture notes i'm gonna have.
But then, i'm learning different things from other students in other courses. Like very unique seh. I sound so 自欺欺人 now. LOLOL !
I think i've forgotten the hardships i went through in school, that now, i'm kinda looking forward for school to commence.
I think i've really gone mad. Brain damage due to excessive studying ?
Stats and econs are major contributors.
So for now, i've decided to ignore econs since i've made the initiative to understand it.
Now is time to make the initiative to understand minho more. :D
& i just can't wait for holidays to commence on monday !
Okay, not like i'm not enjoying days like it's holidays when i'm supposed to be studying. But you know, there's always a difference between the official going on holiday, and real going on holiday.
Just like official and real unemployment rate.
Great, now i talk econs.
I'll start talking about the elasticity of quantity demanded for holidays later.
That's my cue. Sayonara !~
Neoangelique ; Roche, Rayne - Chotto matteh kudasai !
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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