Friday, September 24, 2010
I've been going out and spending quality time away from my comp that i don't even know where to start blogging.
Once i start typing out the details, i just backspaced it all away. I'm retarded.
My mind gets confused easily these days, it's taking a bit longer than usual for me to grasp certain things. Perhaps due to the aftermath of studying excessively since my brain has never been able to cope with extra stress though i'm not sure if my current stress level is considered as "overly-stressed" in the first place.
On a happier note, it's recovering at a steady pace now it's rather clear already.
Come to think of it, maybe the problem was because i lacked sleep during that period.
I'm having 10hrs of sleep in average and i'm feeling fatter each day. Like eat, sleep, eat, sleep. The amount of calories burned when going out doesn't seem to balance with the number of things i put into my mouth. -.-
Catching up with friends, movies, kbox, just hanging out, and playing with firecrackers and stuffs.
Some i planned, some just happened. Enjoyed everything because each day is so fulfilling.
Gladdens me that i didn't waste any unnecessary time when i could have put it to use.
I'll make a trip to the library next week.
Not forgetting the kite-flying trip !
Yeaps, i'm broke, so it doesn't matter anymore since everything's worth it.
Wondering if i should like or hate the shade of my hair now.
Complications, contradictions.
It's a risky thing to have us holding onto the laser because we're shining it everywhere just to test it's prowess.
She's shining it across Bishan to TPY, i'm shining it across to AMK.
Can't deny that it's fun to see that green dot on the buildings so faraway.
Still, it feels weird i'm doing something i like for once.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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