Tuesday, August 24, 2010
I want to feel happy from the bottom of my heart.
Even if we're apart, just remember that i'll always be there for you.
You might not see me in physical existence, what with the distance of our schools, but it doesn't mean that i'm no longer concerned about your life.
However much we may have quarreled in the past, we're still friends at the end of the day.
Smile, even in the toughest times.
& it might not be genuine, but it'll take us through the hardest moments just by smiling alone.
But if it gets too tiring, take a break, think it through, plan ahead, and continue moving on.
Be strong now because things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it won't rain forever.
& always remember that,
i am here.
Everyone has lost their smiles.
The reason why we can't find happiness in things now, is because we think the past is better than it was.
Stop the comparisons because time doesn't rewind.
What we can look forward to, is for a better tomorrow.
A day for reunion ; where we can all meet again and become the person that we truly are.
The problem now ?
We've changed.
Changing into people that aren't the real us.
Changed because of our environment ; the people around us.
Because we're no longer cherished for who we really are. We can only hide that nature, and become a new person in their faces.
You might say that only people who accept our true personalities, are worthy to be our true friends.
Think again.
If we did, we'd be standing on the losing end.
If we did, we'd be outcasts.
If we did, our lives would be worst than what it is now.
Putting on that smile - fooling thousands, saves the trouble.
Why have we become so complicated people ?
Why can't we go back to the time where we were the real "us" ?
Because this world is selfish.
You know our names. But do you know our stories ?
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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