Thursday, June 3, 2010
Just before i head off to bed, i'll blog about this week.
Wednesday felt like skipping school because we only had 2 tutorials which were rather unnecessary.
I went for DBE in hope of seeing my grades. Thanks to that stupid teacher, i didnt get to see anything ! Plus i wasted time sitting there doing some retarded surveys and listening to her crap. -.-
PACC tutorial wasnt anywhere better.
Got tons of wrongs because i wasnt putting much effort into the work. :/
I guess i'll have to work on it.
But it was productive because i managed to finish one CA paper. :P
Today was sucky as well.
Originally, quite a number of people intended to skip school.
But not many people did in the end.
MOB lecture was rather ok. But thinking back now, i cant recall what she thought.
I think it's not THAT productive after all. :/
Anyways, had ONOW and it was boring.
Did retarded questions and used laptop.
Went to Main Library to slack and do revision after that.
I managed to finish 3 quizzes of Econs ! :DD
Then we had DBE lecture.
Boring as usual. Seriously, i have no idea why im still so persistent about attending the lesson. -.-
Managed to crack some jokes, so it wasnt that bad.
All in all, a boring day.
I doubt tomorrow's going to be a very 'fun' day. -.-
& i'll have to start on my massive chionging for MSTs since im not done memorising the notes and all.
So looking forward to the end of the week, next week ! D:
Alright, it's exactly 10pm now. Just like what i intended !
Time to sleep !
It's the earliest time im sleeping, that i have to admit.
But cant help it. People are having holidays while im struggling with studies.
Thanks. -.-
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