Thursday, May 20, 2010
Many things can happen in a few days' time.
It's another 2 days from the previous time i blogged, and it feels like it's been ages already.
Im sure nobody reads this blog anymore, but i guess i'll blog for the fun of blogging as well as vent some frustrations here. (:
Anyways, life's been getting suckier by the day, as i always said.
The last-minute MOB project that was thrown at us on Mon is finally completed. :DD
I cant believe we actually maanged to rush everything in like, 2 days. :x
Ok fine, it's not much of an achievement because as compared to others, this progress is VERY slow.
But what can i expect ? My members arent people like 409.
& everyone's separated into their own cliques.
& the worst thing is that, if people in our clique, wants to do project with their various groups, that's like literally asking the entire class to meet up together at one place.
That's like what happened today.
There was no space at Hilltop Library, so we decided to head to Main Library to find seats and start on our MOB projects with our various groups.
But our members were all over SP, so in the end, everyone started contacting their group members.
Then i realised, we might as well have contacted the entire class because asking a particular member to go somewhere, is like shifting the entire clique with that member.
So, all 20+ people in the class moved to Main Library to do project today. LOLs !
I bet we were the noisiest group there because we occupied one entire section of the library's tables.
& the project room we booked was only available at 1.45 and by then, it was only 1pm.
So we actually werent really productive, because we were picnic-ing, AND DID I MENTION THE HAZELNUT FRAPPE WAS DELICIOUS ?!?! :DD
It's like, so damn cheaper than StarBucks, but tastes so freaking the same as StarBucks. WORTH LAH !
Anyways, back to the subject, we were eating snacks, doing non-project stuffs such as fooling around, or like Nabilah and Gan, watching SHINee videos. LOOLs !
So we literally slacked the time till 1.45 before our group moved to the project room that the others were supposed to be using. LOLs ! :P
Wouldnt say that we were VERY productive. But we managed to do the animations for the powerpoint and finish off the reflection. :)
We even did a rehearsal so that we wont be facing problems tomorrow and be unable to solve it.
Thank goodness i forced them to rehearse. If not, i really dont know what's going to happen during presentation. -.-
Got so freaking pissed because after putting in effort for the project, we realised that our powerpoint slide's theme is the same as the other group that's going to be presenting first.
I know it's going to put us at an disadvantage.
But seriously, things just happens. I know they were trying to help by asking us to change so we wont be labelled as 'copycats'.
But, wtf ?
I did so many things, to realise that we have to change theme because it's the same as another group. I doubt that's even a good enough excuse/reason to get me to change our theme.
Got so fucking pissed i ended up _______ there.
Thanks to those that consoled me. :D
& i even got a free sweet for all the things i went through. LOLs !
Well, that's not much of a motivation, still.
Thinking about DBE makes me demoralised all over again.
But at least, MOB's down, and i couldnt care whether we're going to screw it up or not.
I already screwed my MOB when that freaking egg didnt give me face and broke. TMD. -.=
DBE lecture was a torture, as usual.
I forced myself to pay attention. Well, it half-worked.
But the other half, i was FB-ing and dozing off. =.=
I guess VJ doesnt have much of a talent for teaching. :/
Originally, wanted to do PACC tutorial5.
Thanks to the sucky MOB presentation, i've to memorise the points.
& though i've been done with it for about half an hour already, now im really lazy to start on PACC.
So i guess i'll do it during the time i have while waiting for Astronomy to start. :D
Thinking about CCA makes me feel happier instantly. ^^v
Seriously, come to think of it, i've never been so interested in attending a CCA session before.
*Compares Art Club and Astronomy and sees obvious difference.
To hell with MOB lah. It's the first tutorial of the day, but i guess, the sooner we're done with it, the better.
At least the burden would POOF ! :DD
Another thing to look forward to about DBE presentation, is that the following day, we'll have a 6hrs break again ! YAYYS !~
Let's not look at the fact that my group hasnt completed both the powerpoint and report.
The 6hrs break can be used to celebrate the ending of DBE and MOB projects ! :D
Just pray that they dont throw anymore tasks at us. If not, im so going to faint. -.-
Ok, that's a really long post. (;
Guess i'll go slack and prepare the clothes im going to wear tomorrow.
Still wondering if there's a need to wear a tie or not.
But if im the only one wearing, isnt that out-of-place ? :/
Ohwell, i'll try and see if it matches. ;D
JongHyun ; GiveMeHope. ;) HWAITING ~
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