Sunday, May 9, 2010
Well, im rather guilty because i didnt go anywhere with my mum this year. D:
I actually spent time with tutorials and my laptop and pangseh-ed my parents. ):
Oh well, i think i'll get her a BIG present on her bday, yah ? ;D
Anyways, life still sucks.
What with the increasing workload and projects.
The only thing to look forward to is crapping and breaks. :/
& to add it worst, im still coughing.
It's been near 2weeks, going 3 ?
Well, im finally taking medication since i've been having irritating cravings such as drinking the bottle of PeachTea in my fridge and all the chocolates. -.-
So yah, have to get my cough cured and the unlimited amounts of phlegm removed first. :x
In the blink of an eye, it's the 3rd week, and tomorrow is the commencement of the 4th week of school.
Damn sucks. FML, man.
How the heck did i spend my weekends ? -.=
Went to cut my hair with Steffi yesterday. Totally duped.
We both didnt get the outcome we wanted.
Mine was worst though, because i actually cut it short. Massive change.
It was rather annoying because all of a sudden, i see all those people i know on the streets, with my new hair. -.-
Oh gosh.
Anyways, it's rather ok, i guess ? :/
I'll be trying real hard to style my hair like JongHyun's. :DD
Maybe i'll use it as display picture if it succeeds. ^^v
I wonder what big reactions i'll get tomorrow.
Well, i doubt it'll be too big. As compared to people i've known longer, the reactions might be a little smaller.
I hope. :x
Having a headache now. Guess it's the medicine's effect kicking in already.
Shall go and sleep now. ;)
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