Saturday, May 22, 2010
I realised it's been another 2 days since i blogged.
Coincidence ?
Well, it certainly felt like days/months since the last time i blogged. Ironic, since time is getting faster and faster, and im still here thinking that it's LONG ~
Im supposed to be doing Econs tutorial now.
But i guess i'll just stop for now.
Nothing goes into my brain. I dont understand a freaking thing and what the heck they're asking for.
To prove how smart i am, i'll just admit the fact that i got stuck at question 1b already.
Ok fine, there were problems with 1a as well. Just that i solved it after half an hour. ZZZ.
Anyways, not really in the mood to study because
Felt unfilial though. Didnt have the time to celebrate with her because i had to rush home and continue on projects and other tutorials. ):
Never mind, i'll make it up to her someday. I think. x.x
Astronomy yesterday was freaking fun ! :D
Apart for the fact that we were sitting on the track and perspiring while trying to make out where the hell the stars were and pointing all over the sky, it was nice. ;D
They have this freaking cool laser thing but it's no longer sold. Sad lah. D:
Well, the comforting thing is that i can finally identify several constellations already !
*Proud of self. ^^
I found Leo on my own !~ WHOO !
Freaking saw Sagittarius, which didnt look like a teapot, Crux, Centaurus' main stars which are situated at his leg joints, Mars, Saturn, Jewelry box, and several satellites or planes. LOLs !
Talked about issues such as the universe with the senior !
& before leaving, we saw the Moon's surface through the telescope.
Damn bright, beautiful, and... Speechless.
Went home happily ~ ^^v
Ok, listen here sucker.
Stop asking me if i want to go or not.
If im interested, i would have said it myself.
Thanks for all the kindness and politeness of asking, but no thanks, im not going anywhere near you.
Ever since that issue, it's never going to be the same again.
So just freaking fuck out of my life.
Oops, i didnt mean to use such strong words, but thanks, because of you, im using it.
Yah, you might think that you didnt do anything wrong.
Well think again, from my point of view. Asshole.
& you know what, you just screwed all the chances im going to talk to you.
In the next few years, im neither going anywhere near you, or talk to you, or even step near you.
The sight of you makes me feel weird. Just weird.
The take a step forward, i'll take 2 steps backward, or more.
So im begging you to just stay at your spot. Dont make life difficult for us.
& yah, you reap what you sow.
The idiom isnt really suitable for this situation, but seriously, i dont care.
Your own actions have resulted in such consequences.
That's why, your brainlessness has also deterred me.
Wow nice. I dedicated this entire section to you.
Be honoured, ass.
Ok, i just finished venting my frustrations.
I'll consider whether i want to continue with my tutorials or not. xD
What is this feeling ? It's so alien..
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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