Wednesday, May 12, 2010
This is the latest time i've been up ever since school started, i think.
12am. Used to be so EARLY. Now ? Damn, if it's 11pm, i'd probably be in bed by then. -.-
I guess life in Poly isnt that good either. Seriously feel like slapping those who says Poly is slack. Either they're too smart/we're too dumb.
I was about to off my laptop and recharge myself with a good 7-8hrs of sleep. But i guess today's kind of special so i'll just write a blog entry before i go off. ;)
Went to watch IP MAN 2 with ChaoNgin & Steffi. :D
Originally, Rach was joining us. But she suddenly remembered she had to go to her Grandma's house, so she had to give it a miss. ):
It's such a pity lor. >.<
Anyways, we were rushing for time because we were heading to Jubilee, from AMKHub to buy MilkTea. And then, we rushed back to AMKHub to buy the fried chicken. =.=
In the end, we entered the cinema at about 6.50 when the show was starting at 6.30. Ok let's assume 10mins of commercial, 6.40 the movie starts. -.-
Sad lah, missed 10mins of the show. D:
But then, at least we managed to catch up pretty soon.
& im more or less, proud to say im a Chinese. ;D
I felt kind of sadistic though. The scene of the funeral, i was laughing at the picture because the person was balding. But when he died, he wasnt balding. Kind of weird though. :x
Overall, it's a damn good show. ^^v
But i guess we dont have such good martial art talents anymore. As in, even if it still exists, such legends are hard to find already. :/
After the show, ChaoNgin went home, and me and Steffi headed to deposit HER money, before going home as well.
It was already 8.50. -.=
Coincidentally, i met my parents on the bus. Small world. HAHAAs.
The good thing is that i was rather productive since i managed to finish researching for DBE CA1 PBL. :DD
The bad thing is that now i'll have to start compiling the points and ask the entire group to meet up and start doing a report, powerpoint slides, and also the compilations beforehand. =.=
Oh well, i'll ask them tomorrow.
& we have another presentation tomorrow. -.= Thank goodness i did the question, so im spared the agony of presenting. =.="
Recalls Econs presentation and shudders at the thought.
Am i too kiasu ? Or are they irresponsible ? I dont know. :/
Either way, my GPA is definitely going DOWN ~
So im not surprised if i failed all my modules and got retained. :P
& i got the headphones ! LIKE FINALLY.
As in, the one i ordered. Gosh, it really took a LONG time. =.=
& i feel really duped. ): ARGH ~
Ok never mind.
Im heading to bed now. Tired. :x
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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