Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Hey peeps.
Just 2 days have passed and im being driven up the wall by an additional project. How wonderful.
I cant say how much i APPRECIATE the lecturers' and tutors' kindness of giving us constant piles of projects, research and tutorials.
Life is getting suckier by the day.
Is it because the MST week is coming ? Or is it that life in Poly is supposed to be like this from the very beginning..
Seriously, like i said before, if i needed this kind of stress in my life, i would have made myself suffer in JC instead of come all the way to Poly and take a 1hr trip to school every single day.
Plus, i'd have the student fare too. Why would i put myself in so much torture just to have the same amount of stress that students face in JCs ? ZZZ.
Anyways, it's just the start of the week and im already looking forward to weekends.
Thanks so much to the 2 projects, i think i'll be stuck in school doing projects everyday, and also sacrificing my precious weekends just to finish up the remaining reports and stuffs.
Assholes. Who the heck invented things like reports and presentations. Cant you just read it yourself ?? Gosh.
Well, the good thing is that at least some of the members are beginning to cooperate now. It's good news.
But the thing is, it's not enough.
I should be more optimistic, shouldnt i ?
I should be saying things like, OH YEAH, BETTER THAN NOTHING.
However, thanks to the increasing workloads, im not really optimistic now. Im more of entering depression state.
That's why i said i was going to celebrate once the presentation of both projects ends. The last one ends next Wed. Good and bad news.
I guess i'll have to attempt to finish most of the work with the others tomorrow.
Better to get most of the things done than dilly-dallying and wasting more time.
I think my brain's rather dead now.
I dont even know what i wanted to blog originally, except that i havent completed one tutorial and im intending to do that tomorrow since it's due on Wed. OMG.
Plus, to further prove that im braindead, i actually thought it's been A FEW DAYS, when it's 2 EXACT days from the previous post.
Oh well.
Guess this is my cue to go sleep.
Shall blog when im free.
So looking forward to meeting the niners !
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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