Saturday, May 15, 2010
So freaking tired now. But im still blogging.
See, responsible sia ! xP
Time flies. In the blink of an eye, it's the end of the 4th week ! x.x
In another blink, i'll bet it's already time for exams. -.- Shyto.
Today was rather.. Confusing ?
Confusing as in, i have no idea whether i wanted to attend CCA or not.
Yes, Astronomy. (:
The CCA was supposed to start at 7pm, like you know, we need to wait for the sky to darken before stars come out. LOLs !
Originally, i was already prepared to go home with Jasmine since she and a few other people 'brainwashed' me into going home instead.
In the end, because Nabilah dragged me to the library to teach ZhiHong & Gideon PACC, i ended up in the library FB-ing and doing retarded things with her. -.=
Actually, it wasnt even considered as 'teaching', because only Gideon was doing and he was more or less distracted while he was doing it. Plus ZhiHong was watching videos and listening to Beethoven and ended up sleeping.
Damnest thing was i forgot to take his pic. D: If not i could have compiled a collection of unglam pics and post it on FB.
Well, since i waited in school till 5pm+, and Rach said she's going for CCA, i might as well accompany her. If not, i'll feel bad. :/
So we attended CCA.
At first, it was awkward.
Plus we were playing retarded icebreaking games and we were all complaining there. -.=
Totally regretted at the moment. But then after all those games and standing in a really spooky alley and doing retarded things, we went to the lecture room and looked at the constellations from a software.
It's UBER COOL ! x.x
3D graphics, nice constellations, shows tons of stars/galaxies/planets, and showed my horoscope ! :D
To sum it all, it's super interesting and nice to know about stories of how they came about.
But the sad thing is that i have no idea how im going to identify which star belongs to which constellation because i dont have the ability to link the stars together.
Sagittarius looks like a teapot. LOLs !
Imagine looking for stars that forms a teapot. -.=
I doubt i can see it even if it's right in front of me. LOLs.
But totally no regrets after that session. So looking forward to the meteor shower. ^^v
Reached home at 11.30. =.=
Well, i guess i'll reach home around this time in the future.
But for the sake of astronomy and interests, i'll bear with it. :D
I wanted to blog about what happened today. Like all those usual retardedness, but im seriously damn tired.
So i guess i'll give it a miss and just continue FB-ing while waiting for the download to finish. (:
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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