Tuesday, June 1, 2010
I'll blog a little before i head off to bed. :D
Hmm, let's see what happened today.
Oh right, basically after what the introduction of the word : KARMA, by Ken Kwan, my very cute Stats lecturer, the theme in school has always been KARMA, KARMA, and more KARMA.
LOLs !
We actually blame everything on karma. xD
The core of evil, Bao Ling, has experienced the prowess of karma itself and she's suffering under it. :P
Example ?
Getting squashed by the elevator door when originally, it has a sensor and is even able to detect a hand cutting through the door.
So it's rather unbelievable how she managed to get stuck in between the lift and, according to those who witness the incident, squeeze her way out.
Blame it on her sins. :D
Anyways, too bad i didnt get to see it, else i might be laughing all the way home. xP
Ok, so we're down to exactly 1week before MST commences.
Preparations ? Forget about it.
After attempting to memorise MOB topic1 yesterday, im almost giving up on studying for MST. -.-
I think Econs might be easier to study than all the other subjects. Dammit. =.=
& i thought stats was going to be easy, but in the end, proved otherwise.
Well nothing changed. For one, my maths still sucks, as usual.
I hope he gives more practices though.
We're just lacking in practice. -.-
*Sighs, let's see how it goes..
Tons of work waiting for me to do.
Damn, i wish holidays were here. D:
Now i regret not making full use of the remaining days before school started before April. -.-
Alright, nothing much. It's getting late.
Dont really have the mood to blog. Just having the thought of blogging, but not the concept of what to blog about. :/
I think i'll blog about meeting the niners next week.
It's going to be FUN ! :DD
Cant wait to meet my retarded friends. :DDDDDDDD
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