Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Poly life is... Normal ?
It's like secondary school life, more or less.
Meeting at MRT, walking to school together, lessons, breaks, retardedness and laughters, dismissed, goes separate ways. The next day, the cycle continues.
But the good thing is i've a bunch of nice classmates. (:
Which is good, since it means there'll be more people who i can talk to. LOLs.
Anyways, not feeling well these days.
Thanks so much to all those people that sat with me on the MRT and all. Seriously, thanks. -.=
Now, i have large amounts of phlegm in my throat and im coughing like nobody's business, except that people do want to mind my business because i annoy them while coughing from Bishan all the way to JurongEast, and back. LOLs.
Oh well. I guess im recovering..? :x
At least, my nose ain't blocked anymore. ;D
Tutorials are a torture.
Actually, it's fine to do them. But the limited amount of time makes it torturous. So yah. :x
Projects are, as i said, a no-eye-see. So i shan't broach on this area anymore. :/
There are so many things i want to complain, give comments and all.
But when it comes to the typing part, as usual, my brain refuses to function normally and bring back all the memories. -.-
Ends up, i don't really have an idea what i did in school. =.="
The only thing i remember is, I BOUGHT ANOTHER SET OF HEADPHONES ! :D
Well, i got scammed, that was one of my saddest incident this month. ):
But then, i got 2 headphones at 20bucks, and the sound quality ain't that bad too. :D
So it's still quite a good catch. ;)
Now, im always bringing it to school and replacing my earpieces with it. OOPS. :x
Nothing to blog about. Damn tired.
Just here to, you know, have some sense of responsibility by updating about my life and all. LOLs. xD
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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