Saturday, May 1, 2010
I have no freaking idea why the hell im awake at 9am on at SATURDAY. =.=
Originally, my plan was to sleep my way through half of the day before i start working on my Stats and Econs.
Well, thanks to the freaking flu, my nose is blocked and i woke up. ZZZ.
Head's still kinda heavy though.
Anyway, since im awake, might as well start on those 2 tutorials that are needed on Monday before continuing on the other deadly ones.
School was rather ok yesterday ?
Laughters as usual.
Tutorial, boring. Lectures, sleeping.
EXCEPT for stats. :D
I think perhaps, i might put Ken Kwan over Victor Joe. :P
He was using the highlighter for the powerpoint slides. & since the background was too dark, he had to use a lighter colour. In the end, everyone suggested white, and he began asking :
How come nothing come out one ?
& he ended up thinking it was ERASER. =.=
Seriously, i laughed till my stomach hurt. Well, im not the only one laughing, that's for sure. :P
Went to AMKHub to meet my parents for dinner. :)
Ok, i didnt eat dinner.
Just remembered the last meal i had was in the noon, at FC5 - KFC. =.=
No wonder my stomach's protesting now.
Shall go and dig out some food before i start on my work. :D
Sleepy.. Wonder if i can keep a clear head.. *YAWNS.
I miss 409. ):
Random thought :
I was considering the factors that made me oppose the idea of having a sports CCA. & i ended up remembering that i hated PE during sec1 & 2. It was during 309/409 period that made me anticipate every single PE lesson. & i have to reiterate the point that, we are playing the same old game of CAPTAINS BALL.
Nothing changed. Same game, same environment. Just different people. (:
Sounds like a confession. But 409 changed part of me.. ^^
Now ? Nah, tell me to play Captains Ball with the people in my class, i'll have to reconsider. LOLs ! Not that they're bad or anything.
It's the feeling. No longer there. Or maybe it might be. Unless we try, that is.
Im gonna think of an emo pm for MSN later on. JUST FOR FUN, DUH ! xP
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