Saturday, April 24, 2010
Im supposed to be racking my brains to answer a stupid Econs question.
But since i really cant find an answer im satisfied with, i thought it'll be good i blogged about my week since it's been about 5days since i last blogged.
School's rather ok.
I enjoy most lectures, what with the free aircon and my retarded classmates.
But tutorials arent that enjoyable, on the other hand. :/
So now i have 1 project, and another one on pending.
Thing is, i dont really have a group.
More like, outcast ?
So yah, a problem. Probably sticking with the guys as usual. -.-
All in all, minus off the travelling time, the hill we climb to SB, and tons of books and homework we have, school's fine. :D
Actually, we're self-entertaining ourselves during lectures by singing 'Ring Ding Dong'. LOLs !
That's why those sitting behind us would most probably label us as retarded people. -.-
Doubt im able to blog so often from now on.
Maybe once a week ? Or longer. :/
Either way, my tutorials and projects are piling up on the 1st week already.
I dont have eyes to see what's going to happen in the next 3years.
So yah. :x
Wish me luck. :)
I cant really think because my brain cells have died constantly due to tutorials.
Thanks a lot.
Going out for dinner soon.
Dont know what to blog about. :/
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