Monday, April 19, 2010
School was rather ok today, surprisingly.
Met at the MRT with the rest as usual.
Had Stats lecture as first lesson.
Ok, so the lecturer is definitely, 100% chop, NICE.
But the only problem is that he speaks in a rather gay way ? :/
Reminds me of a certain *ahem* in Deyi that says time like thumb. :P
It was an improvement because i yawned about twice in that 1hr.
Surprising i managed to stay awake. :x
Next was Stats tutorial.
As usual, the tutor just self-introduced himself and he went through a little about CA and stuffs.
Boring, to sum it all up. HAHAAs ! xP
& our entire class was finally present.
Met the guy that didnt attend orientation. & he has the hairstyle like TaeMin from the back, SERIOUSLY. x.x
Nabilah's going to say im mean if she sees what i wrote here. :P
Had early dismissal, so went to FC5 to eat KFC AGAIN. -.=
Ok lah, eating together was rather fun and interesting because we were all laughing constantly throughout. :)
Bought textbooks. Freaking costs $50+ for 2 books. -.-"
& im supposed to buy 2 more other textbooks tomorrow. ZZZ.
Afterwards, headed to our next destination to have Econs tutorial.
In short, all our 2hr tutorials became 1hr today, so for Econs and MOB as well.
After 1hr, we did our own stuffs in the aircon room. SHIOK AR ! :D
Socialising most of the time. :D
MOB was alright lah. The cher's nice. ^^v
Got dismissed, went to find VictorJoe, listened to him talk for 2 freaking hrs, and in the end, didnt transfer class.
LOLs !
I dont mind sitting there if not for :
1. Poor Jasmine waiting at the 1st floor for me.
2. I needed the toilet badly.
3. & i really meant, i was constipating.
Imagine holding your bladder for 2hrs+. -.-"
That's about all.
Headed home.
Ate dinner.
Going to pack bag later.
& gosh, the stacks of lecture notes are making my head spin. -.-
Thank god im not going to bring my laptop to school tomorrow.
Sheesh, im going to die if i had to bring it again. =.="
I forgot to mention that we visited the so-called 'Red Bridge' which was supposed to be eerie because of some tales. :/
Ok i shant continue. It's downright spooky.
Anyways, we just sat at the stairs and all the girls were using their laptops there. HAHAAs !
Except for Mud, which is the only guy, though i wouldnt mind adding him into the 'Girl' category. :P
Life seems like it's going to be pretty fun.
But then again, you never know.
So i'll just 走一步,看一步. :)
Off to pack my bag for tomorrow. :D
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