Thursday, April 29, 2010
Oh well, it WAS light, until i placed my laptop in my bag and began feeling the weight of it all over again. :/
Anyways, MOB was sucky because she went so freaking fast, i have no idea why. -.=
& in the end, DBE was much slower than MOB. Shocking sia. =.=
Oh right, another news, i think, me and Crystal are going to be stuck with the same group for DBE till.. Who knows when ? -.=
Gosh lah. I seriously hope everyone cooperates this time round.
I dont want to throw my CA marks because of problems like that. ):
& i felt bad about pangseh-ing her for ONOW. ARGHH. =.=
I hate project works. ZZZ.
I think it's time we start working on the DBE thing as well, not that i wish, but reality is forcing me to face it. =.="
Signed up for Astronomy and Jap Club during 3hr break. :D
Hope i didnt make the wrong choice, else i'll have to quit. Which im not really happy about since im rather interested in both. :/
& i bought the dry-fit SP shirt. :DD
Took the XXXS size. Yah thanks, i know im damn xia suay.
But seriously, the S size is like, freaking big ? Even a guy can fit in and it's just right. =.-
Good thing is that i didnt buy XXS because if not, i think i'll have to buy another XXXS one. :/
Going to buy another white one tomorrow. :DD
It's already Friday tomorrow. :/
Feels like yesterday when me and Rach were saying how it was only Monday and Friday was so freaking far away. @.@
Time flies.
The 2nd week just flew like that. POOF !
Im not surprised that in the blink of an eye, June's here and my exams are here as well. -.=
Sheesh. Oh well.
Nothing much to blog about ?
Probably blog tomorrow when im too bored of doing homeworks and all. :/
Fullstop ~
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